Please do not enter your child's Webkinz Newz account or any Webkinz World™ account here. This step is to associate your own separate Ganz Parent Club and Webkinz Newz accounts. Are you sure you want to continue?
If you currently have separate Webkinz Newz and Ganz Parent Club accounts, this step is very important. It will ensure that your KinzCash™ and information from both accounts will be combined. This will be your only opportunity to combine your separate accounts. Are you sure you want to skip?
Earn great rewards on your accumulated eStore Points SPENDING at Ganz eStore!
* Rewards will be awarded by email at the end of the promotion. One (1) reward per total cumulative spending. 1 Total cumulative spending must be between 30,000 eStore Points and 49,999 eStore Points. 2 Total cumulative spending must be between 50,000 eStore Points and 74,999 eStore Points. 3 Total cumulative spending must be greater than 75,000 eStore Points.
wow look at that price for deluxe ship wow so much money to pricey if you lower the prices well buy but u dont please change the price like 5 or 6 cause this pric is to high i totaly agree with u peps its really sad to see people walk away from this cause it is to pricey come on just change it i garente ill sign up for it if u lower the price to what i said why cant they change the price and get over it it isnt cool at all again i totaly agree with them peps its not cool please change the price :[ :[ : [
i no right what about the deluxe member ship thats way to pricey i have it but my mom wont sign me up cause its way to pricey please lower the price andill get it maybe bout 5 or 10 that would help alot :[ help me !!!!!!!!!!!! i totaly agree with u guys 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t think anyone is saying Webkinz is lame, because if they thought that they wouldn’t be playing it. I think most people are trying to say that why spend so much money for something that has no real value because it it virtual. Not many people are in the position to spend so much money for a game and feel this is a little unfair, and I agree with that.
I agree with the general opinion is a bit much to pay for virtual items..but unfortunately..there are people who will spend the $75.00. I think the E-store is a good idea…however I do believe that an expenditure of $75.00 in a short period of time should be rewarded with more than 2 packs of virtual seeds for a virtual garden!! I can understand their pricing on the code only pets..they don’t want to price them so low that they are in competition with their retailers, however the rest of the items..I believe they could price much lower…and the rewards? Seriously..step it up a bit Ganz its only virtual items afterall!! All in all you gotta give Ganz credit..they know how to market so kudos to them for that!!
well its not like the plant COSTS $75 they want u to spend 75$ . you can buy other stuff . itslike getting an extra bun 4 buying 5 . if ya wannab my friend im beansandchili
If you are under 18, please get your parents' permission before exploring other site. Always get your parents' permission before chatting or giving out information online.
way to much
wow look at that price for deluxe ship wow so much money to pricey if you lower the prices well buy but u dont please change the price like 5 or 6 cause this pric is to high i totaly agree with u peps its really sad to see people walk away from this cause it is to pricey come on just change it i garente ill sign up for it if u lower the price to what i said why cant they change the price and get over it it isnt cool at all again i totaly agree with them peps its not cool please change the price :[ :[ : [
i no right what about the deluxe member ship thats way to pricey i have it but my mom wont sign me up cause its way to pricey please lower the price andill get it maybe bout 5 or 10 that would help alot :[ help me !!!!!!!!!!!! i totaly agree with u guys 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woah… webkinz is going wayyyyy to far… and i thought pixie hollow membership was expenisve
if you wanna add me my username is: fetchfan
I don’t think anyone is saying Webkinz is lame, because if they thought that they wouldn’t be playing it. I think most people are trying to say that why spend so much money for something that has no real value because it it virtual. Not many people are in the position to spend so much money for a game and feel this is a little unfair, and I agree with that.
to much money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with the general opinion is a bit much to pay for virtual items..but unfortunately..there are people who will spend the $75.00. I think the E-store is a good idea…however I do believe that an expenditure of $75.00 in a short period of time should be rewarded with more than 2 packs of virtual seeds for a virtual garden!! I can understand their pricing on the code only pets..they don’t want to price them so low that they are in competition with their retailers, however the rest of the items..I believe they could price much lower…and the rewards? Seriously..step it up a bit Ganz its only virtual items afterall!! All in all you gotta give Ganz credit..they know how to market so kudos to them for that!!
well its not like the plant COSTS $75 they want u to spend 75$ . you can buy other stuff . itslike getting an extra bun 4 buying 5 . if ya wannab my friend im beansandchili
Yeah, odd indeed…..