The Official Webkinz Commercial 2011

We are pleased to show you the Official Webkinz Commercial 2011!

The Coolest Thing is… Everything!

386 Responses to The Official Webkinz Commercial 2011

  1. webkinzgirl123 says:

    Alice me to its cute but i sent a letter to ganz an did not get a reply yet

  2. webkinzgirl123 says:

    ganz plz write back when are the cheekys coming out cuz i need them for my family with my
    b&w cheeky dog Oreo and cheeky monkey Bananas i no iz like cheekys and i need the brown cheeky dog.

  3. epicskilletlover887 says:

    ok i have problems with it

    1. it was creepy,
    2. it was little kidish (if u know what i mean)
    3. when that girl said “decorating my room!” she turned around so fast i thought she was a robot or somthing

    4.they put in pets that arn’t even made yet!

    so to sum it all up, no offense Ganz, i really dont like it….

  4. mary (the bookworm!) says:

    The sound isn’t working for me right now for some reason, so I can’t say anything about what they were saying, but one thing I noticed is that it seemed to be all girls. I may have glimpsed like one boy for a second, but still. I guess that it is a little more of a girl thing, (about two or three girls to every boy) but I think you should put more boys in the commercials. Because I have a feeling most boys would watch this and think “That looks way too girly! I’d rather play an action game!”
    Just as a suggestion. Oh, and while I’m here, could you please make a Dex Dangerous 2? Okay, I’m done.

  5. kayleams6 says:

    The petal puppy is soooooo cute you should put on a contest before july to win the very first petal puppy

  6. DuneGirl says:

    I think I like the UK commerical the best. But it’s cause it’s not so over the top. Just a girl loving her pet and then seeing it come alive in Webkinz World. I do love Webkinz!! MY fav is my lil seal.. the cute way she scurries across the floor just makes my heart ache with love.. i love my webkinz…

  7. Alice says:

    Guys, they put ALOT of hard work into that commerical! Let’s not be mean. That commerical is awesome! I love the Orange Cheeky Dog, to! If you have mean things to say, don’t say them. Please!

  8. Alice says:

    Cute:D I like the Cheeky Dog thats Orange! I have the Black & White (2 of them) and the Purple & Blue cheeky dog! 3 CHEEKY;)

  9. ebony says:

    Well not to be rude, well I know they worked hard to make it but, that was a little too easy and not impressive. I really think they should do another and try a little more to make it better. The camera moved too much I couldn’t even see the webkinz! All I saw was kids screaming.

  10. PebblesSmokeyRules says:

    Wow. That is a BAD commercial.

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