The Secret To Filling Pet Care Meters Faster!

Did you know that fulfilling pet requests is not the only way to fill your Pet Care Meters? Here are some other ways to help you add to your Pet Care Meters.


Of course, filling Pet Care Meters increase your Family Score which helps you earn cool prizes.. And since filling Pet Care Meters occasionally shows up as Season Tasks, these tips can help you earn Season Prizes too!
Once every hour you can also add your Pet Care Meter to your Pet Care Meter by:

  • Feeding a hungry pet (a pet is hungry when its Hunger Meter is at less than 51%)
  • Playing a game with your pet in the Arcade
  • Exercising your pet or
  • Crafting a food or item


Once a day, you can add to your Pet Care Meter by interacting with a baby in certain ways such as:

  • Playing with a rattle
  • Singing them a lullaby
  • Tickling them
  • Talking baby talk to them
  • Changing their clothing
  • Taking them to the park


Please note: interacting with a baby adds to your Pet Care Meter once per day, the first time you interact with them. And if you don’t have a baby, that’s okay – visiting your friend’s home and interacting with their baby will add to your Meter!
And of course, fulfilling your pet’s request is the best way to fill their Pet Care Meters and add to your Family Score! And once you’ve filled a Pet Care Meter every day, be sure to switch to another pet so you can keep filling the Meter and keep earning Family Score Points!




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15 Responses to The Secret To Filling Pet Care Meters Faster!

  1. gowinl says:

    I wish you would add more levels and prizes to the pet care meter in classic. I finished it years ago and would love to see it updated.

  2. rachelgirl193 says:

    I really, really wish that we could fill the pet’s meters more easily, like on classic. LIke playing with the baby (and all the other things you mention) only counts ONCE, so I can only fill ONE pet’s heart per day, for the others I have to wait for requests. This is the main reason why I don’t want more pets or more babies, because I want to fill their hearts and it takes such a long time. Plus, I have to log on exactly at the same time as the day before, if I log on later, they are down to 50% already, which really bothers me so much.

    • sally says:

      The non-baby activities count once an hour, not once a day — and it’s per pet, so you can cycle through all of them and do the same activities in the same hour. Only the baby activities are limited to once per day.

      • rachelgirl193 says:

        … but they are not enough to fill my pet’s heart, is that correct? And a pet has to be VERY hungry to be down to less than 50%.

        • sally says:

          I mean, they help fill your heart, even if they don’t award 25% like filling a request does.

          • rachelgirl193 says:

            Yes, this is true, this is what I meant. because if I do this, and it does not fill them up 25%, I still have to wait for a request per pet anyway (apart from the one whose is filled up by playing with the baby). So it would be nice if other methods would be added, like on Classic (taking a bath, sleeping), so we could make them happy without having to pait for one request each.

          • marcblack21 says:

            I totally agree with RachelGirl. It makes no sense, if you can’t fill the heart up by at least 25% with the additional options because you will have to wait for another request to make your pet happy. Actually, it takes me less then 15 minutes to make my 46 pets happy on classic. In the same time, I don’t manage to fill up 4 pet’s hearts in Next.

  3. mylittlemissjade says:

    Why do you keep popping up a different pet that wants to ask me for help in my game? I have 3 different accounts to do in one day. Some days more to do than others. I play with one pet at a time. If i was to answer the pop up pet would I be leaving the one I was playing with not in their room and bed? I would have many pets in the wrong room! I do not care for that to happen. It is very easy for me to fill one care meter each day on one pet.

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      For Next, if you go to settings, there is an option to hide inactive pet requests so that pets that you do not have a full heart for, but is not your active pet will not send you pet requests. I hope this helps and I agree that it is really irritating for pet popup requests to show up while trying to do other tasks.

  4. webkinzwizard02 says:

    I wish there was only 5 minutes max between each pet request, and a 50 kc limit on the things pets ask you to purchase for them at the w-shop.

    • raysgirl16 says:

      Or coupons would be a nice addition, to be able to use them on a pet request or just to purchase some of the new things. Like in Classic Webkinz.

      • BH1464 says:

        If you use a coupon to purchase something to fulfill a pet request in Classic it does not count toward fulfilling the request. It only counts if you pay full price for the item requested. So, If you purchase the requested item using a coupon, it will not count. Then you have to purchase the item a second time and make sure to pay full price in order to fulfill the request. I do not agree with this at all. If we’ve accumulated the coupons I feel we should be allowed to use them to purchase requested items and have that purchase count toward fulfilling your pet’s request. It’s one of the main reasons I have so many coupons in my dock. Every time something new comes to the W-Shop for KinzCash, I use a coupon for each item purchased, but I still have a multitude of coupons in my dock.

  5. grandmaback says:

    A pet request gives you a 25% boost but only if your pet is not in bed. They don’t make requests if they are in bed. I use the baby to fill one pets heart each day. The rest are with requests which usually occur in 3 to 5 min. of play or waiting.I can get 8 pets done while going to school, mining, collecting coffee and cookies, etc. Just don’t play a long game or school activity or you can’t see the request.

  6. nanamama12 says:

    Does crafting include gem crafting as well?

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