The Sparkster










Okay, this Sparky thing is really starting to get out of hand. I know the plan was to convince him that he had broken his unlucky streak, but surely he can’t still think he’s unlucky! Can we give this a break soon?

Today we were playing games at the Arcade. Before we went in to meet Sparky there, we all agreed that we were going to let him win – at everything. Which we did, but let me tell you, it started to get a little tiresome when Sparky started pumping his fist every time he won a game and going, “Oh yeah!!! The Sparkster is unbeaten!!!” Really, Sparky? The ‘Sparkster’?

I’m starting to think that maybe we want to tone down the luck just a little. You know, before he turns into a complete egomaniac. Although to be honest, I’m worried it may be too late for that.

30 Responses to The Sparkster

  1. Smarticles says:

    This isn’t good. It is like giving a baby treats. The more they get, the more they like it, until they depend on candy. Pretty soon, Sparky won’t want to go on without his good luck charm. This sounds like it is getting way out of hand. Cowabelle and the others need to stop soon, or who knows what will happen?


  2. TIFFERS says:

    This is rediculous! i get that you are all trying to make ‘sparkster’ happy, but this isnt the way! you guys are all lying to him and that isnt very nice. plus, it isnt making anyone happy other than him. stop it right now, or tone it down and then graduaally stop, this cant go on forever.

  3. Paw' says:

    Ohhhhhh, Brother. This is getting a little ridiculous. Sparky is not aware that the stone is causing BAD LUCK for you guys. You’re broke, your feelings are hurt, and The “Sparkster” is getting a little bit cocky. If you want to get rid of it completely, you should tone it down instead of taking it away suddenly. If the magic suddenly stops, it will crush him. Also, don’t tell him that you guys were behind it until a few months or so. It might make him angry.

  4. ruchirock says:

    That is not really ‘la-ti-da’ that they are continuing this so long! Sparky will become self-centered, selfish, and over-the-top, and before you know it—he’ll become a boy dog version of Purrcilla! So please Kinz stop the luck now, don’ttell hi, just get the lucky rock somehow and throw it in the trash in your house or something so he can’t find it! Don’t tell him or he’ll still believe it and think all of you are jealous he has a lucky rock and you have nothing at all! So do that and he’ll gradually forget about it if you tell him luck is something you get by chance and perhaps you were just on a lucky streak, but there’s no reason not to enjoy! All the best!


  5. geva4 says:

    When you guys are toning down the luck tone it down gradually. For example: One day you leave 10 Kinzcash for him to find but the next day only leave 7 Kinzcash for him to find. Then stop the luck completely by the day after St. Patrick’s Day. When he asks you why he is out of luck just tell him the luck only lasted until St. Patrick’s Day.

  6. lovepuppygirl says:

    That is tiresome.

  7. MDIChickadee says:

    I think you began with good intentions, but that it has likely gone on for too long. You ALL need to tell Sparky about what you have done, and why – you love him, wanted to cheer him up and let him know that he does have good luck, so you gave him a fake lucky rock, then arranged for some “lucky” things to happen (like the money and the arcade games winning.) And let him know that some of the things that happened (like his test score) were likely because he had studied. And ask him to forgive you for your deception. The Kinz need to stop this now … please? All the best! MDIChickadee

  8. pandalicious27 says:

    Yeah, you guys might wanna stop with the luck thing, but don’t be angry that this has gotten out of hand. You ALL agreed to go forth with it. That means YOU too Cowabelle. No need to call him an egomaniac… That’s what people when they THINK they’ve been on a winning streak… :/

  9. Softball girl says:

    ye a big UH OH yall need 2 just let him c less and less luck and then after a little bit NONE!

  10. CoconutCloud says:

    Uh oh. I think you’re right, Cowabelle! Sparky, quit believing in your lucky stone! ;-)


    • sarahandlacey says:

      You guys should stop this! I mean this has gone to far! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

      • krystalkat says:

        Uhhhhh……Yeaaaahhhhh…….Ok, well I think you should tell him in a way that wont hurt his feeligs- Like in song! ;)

        • Boston ROCKs...copy that as well says:

          Yes, Cowabelle, please don’t hurt his feelings. And if you do, don’t walk away, because that’s really not nice.

          • jay says:

            ha sparkster thats kinda funny
            go wolves

          • windle says:

            lol me and my friends are always adding ster to are names and im the windster i know that it looks likes wind star and my friends call me that to

          • lillyluvie says:

            it is okay Cowabelle. At least Sparky is happy! :D

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • blahblahthecatluver says:

            i agree dis is getting out of hand. #1. sparky is too proud #2 the stone is NOT the secret. there has 2 b something else #3 3rd, dis is really mysterious!!!!!!!!!!!

          • Screenkitty63 says:

            Yeah, this is sort of getting out of hand, but I’d tell him that it’s him, not the stone that’s gving him all this good fortune, but in the nicest way possible, just walk up to him, and tell him, challenge him to win something without the lucky rock! If he does, great, if not, then I’ve got no idea how to help you.

          • blahblahthecatluver says:

            yeeah. dats a pretty good idea

    • Serene says:

      Well they kinda asked for trouble :!: I mean, it isn’t Sparky’s fault that they are doing this. They should just quit it, because all they are going to do is make him full of himself and then hurt his feelings when it was their fault.
      Have Serenity :!: -Serene :mrgreen:

    • kinzklipfan says:

      Uh oh is right. It’ll be hard to get out of this fix. The ‘Kinz will have to explain the “trick”, and Sparky might get upset or mad. Well, we’ll have to wait and see! ~:: kkf~~kinzklipfan~~ :: $

    • Shelly says:

      Let it down slowly, or don’t do anything and maybe he’ll forget!

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