This Majestic Bird is NOW AVAILABLE at Ganz eStore!

Webkinz Golden Eagle


Webkinz Golden Eagle

The majestic Golden Eagle is ready to spread its wings in Webkinz World!

This beautiful bird likes to study classic works of art and paint new pictures with lots of different colors.

The Golden Eagle likes to sit atop its Golden Lamppost Lounger while dining on Soaring Sizzling Scallops!

The Golden Eagle will be available on select days starting Wednesday, January 5, 2011.

Find this pet and many more at Ganz eStore!

115 Responses to This Majestic Bird is NOW AVAILABLE at Ganz eStore!

  1. Werewolfia says:

    I hate all e store because i can’t get it!!!

  2. Harry Potter jr says:

    I think it would be cuter and better if it was a plush! :x Bo Hoo

  3. Harry Potter jr says:

    Ugh, why does it have to be for the e store. If it wasn’t, I’d buy it because it seems very Harry Potterish, like BuckBeak!:OD

  4. Victoria says:

    I want one sooo bad cause they are too cute LOL!

  5. Caroline says:

    It’s OK.

  6. cloud0305 says:

    it stinks its estore points like the gummy bear

  7. DDRGirl says:

    two words…TOO. CUTE! And the sugar glider contest is starting to become like the libra eagle contest, it took till near the end of the year for them to announce the libra eagle contest winners and the contest was in SUMMER! So, if it takes SO long for you to announce, give all the entries a sugar glider for making them wait so they won’t be bummed out to wait all that time for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY! Thanks and bye bye!

  8. freehug says:

    I want one. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW……………..

  9. sophie says:

    show the winners for the pink greyhound contest already!I entered on the 1st or 2nd!

  10. Zike says:

    Well, I don’t buy eStore (unless it’s something that would only take up space in my house, like charms or maybe figurines), andI didn’t really like the golden eagle as an animal, so I don’t think I’ll be getting this pet.

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