This Might be a Hint…



They’re not found on a tree,
But they’re referred to as a stick,
Might look underwater,
To figure out this trick!

217 Responses to This Might be a Hint…

  1. FashionTester says:

    Okay so the last ingredient must be jelly or tacos, because fish sticks+asparagus+jelly=aquarius jelly and fish sticks+asparagus+tacos=canoopaddolrole

  2. Dorothy says:

    Ok that does make a recipe but were did u get TACOS from? Did you see it from somewhere or you saying that cause it makes a recipe with the other foods?

  3. alex says:

    wow i figured it out me and my bro were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo suprised that it made that :) (by the way im a girl);)

  4. CritterLuver says:

    This is fun! Fish Sticks! At first I thought artichokes were in it too because of another game I played. My mistake. LOL
    And I almost thought this clue was for a ‘stick insect’ until I re-read the clue ‘under water’. I think the clue answers are Tacos, Asparagus and Fish Sticks.

  5. smee78 says:

    it driftwood cause fish stick are not in the sea and it is refferd to a stick

  6. anisamarie this is my webkinz user name anisamare please be my friend says:


  7. Laura says:

    I would say it would be some type of twig that can grow under water.

  8. Amy says:

    Do you not realize that if you post the answers, MORE people will enter to win, and your chances go WAY down?

  9. JULIANA says:


  10. toystory says:


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