Trophy Showcase: Webkinz Day Trophies!


It seems hard to believe, but our 14th Webkinz Day is just around the corner. On Monday, April 29th, 2019, Webkinz World will be 14 years old!


Each year when we celebrate Webkinz Day, players can log in and receive a special giftbox. Inside are many special prizes, including a trophy to commemorate the day.


Here’s a look at all of our previously-awarded Webkinz Day trophies together:



Don’t forget to log in to your Webkinz account on April 29th (web or mobile) to receive our Year 14 Webkinz Day Trophy!



Want to see MORE about what you’ll get on April 29th? Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz on Tuesday, April 23rd for our Webkinz Day Sneak Peek!


How many of these terrific trophies have YOU collected? Let us know in the comments below.


60 Responses to Trophy Showcase: Webkinz Day Trophies!

  1. acantara says:

    wow. Did not realize I have 3 – 13. Wish I had 1 and 2 to make the collection more complete.

  2. grannyjany says:

    I don’t have many of these trophies, even though I’ve been part of Webkinz since 2008. I know I have year 6 and years 9 through 13. I might have years 5 and 7.

  3. KSC says:

    I have 11, 12 and 13. Can’t wait for 14!

  4. Unicornluv246 says:

    It’s my 1st year playing. Can’t wait!:)

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Welcome to the family @Uniconluv246! You are so lucky to have discovered WKN so that you can get the inside scoop on all of the events. I didn’t wander over here until I had already been playing for about one and a half years, so I missed out on a lot! I hope that you are having a great time so far!

  5. LadyBeauty says:

    I have the trophies for years 3 through 13, with the exception of year 7, which probably was on a Sunday, and I would not have had access to a computer / internet since the public library is closed. This was before a special Webkinz friend began to take care of special events for me that occur when I do not have internet access. ♪♫LadyBeauty♪♫

  6. Picia says:

    Got em all! :D

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Wow! There are so many lifers on here! I’m glad to see that so many players have stuck around for so many years. I can’t even imagine how different WW must be from when it first started!

  7. Zeta675 says:

    3-13 except for 6 and 10. Not sure what happened year 6, but for year 10 our computer was broken for the entire year! I couldnt play webkinz until i got my own laptop in time for year 11!

  8. gadsfavs1 says:

    I have all of them!

  9. grantourgang says:

    I have 3 – 13, I started when my granddaughter was 18 months old and now I’m still playing. Wish I could get years 1 and 2.

  10. Springshimmer says:

    Nice!! I have year 6-13 trophies.. I can’t wait to see what this year’s trophy will look like! ^u^

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