Turn your Pet’s room into an exciting Museum!!

Turn your Pet’s room into an exciting Museum!!
Set up your pet’s room for a voyage of historic discovery… If you’ve been collecting Webkinz antiquities, now you’ll have the perfect place to display them!

You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!

34 Responses to Turn your Pet’s room into an exciting Museum!!

  1. coconut says:

    i need it please let me have it

  2. Gabith55 says:

    YAY it’s in the e-store.

  3. Gabith55 says:

    I don’t really like decorating my room. Once a month a decorate my favorite pet’s room. I don’t want the room theme.

  4. LivingAloha says:

    I already have been setting up a museum room for my webkinz and I don’t have e-store. So for everyone that doesn’t have e-store, you can still set one up!!

  5. Grelot says:

    Grelot, Too bad these items are not at the curio shop. They need new and exciting items at the curio shop because most of the time I have them already!!!!!

  6. Holidaygirl says:

    this is so COOL! i luv everything in that room I so want to get estore!

  7. Skiddly says:

    Cool! I’m making a museum right now, but not with EStore items. This would be great to add to it, except the only problem is that I don’t have EStore!

  8. clemsonkitty says:

    I really like the theme, but i wish it wasn’t estore because most parents won’t let you use their credit card (including mine). I think they should let you trade it at least, so kids who are not allowed can get cool items. :D Clemsonkitty

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