Turn your Pet’s room into an exciting Museum!!

Turn your Pet’s room into an exciting Museum!!
Set up your pet’s room for a voyage of historic discovery… If you’ve been collecting Webkinz antiquities, now you’ll have the perfect place to display them!

You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!

34 Responses to Turn your Pet’s room into an exciting Museum!!

  1. DragonPrincess says:

    I don’t like this wallpaper, but the dinosaurs are really cool. Too bad they are e-store. ~DP

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    Thats pretty cool!!!

  3. candygirl (01gracie02) says:

    Too bad it’s at the estore. I don’t buy trading cards (But I want to) so I can’t get them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • KraftyMomOf2 says:

      estore points do not come in the trading card packs, never have, that would be nice though.You can buy estore point cards, which are special for estore points, like a gift card, they are sold at certain stores. Check at the estore and they list the stores that carry them there BUT I suggest calling the store first to make sure the one you can get to actually has them.

  4. kaye says:

    I created a museum in my kinz house by using the stone wall paper and dark sandy floor — it has the pirate map tables, red pirate arm chairs, pirate map on wall, globe, wizard bookcases, and my more unusual items like the Hippo refrigerator. I also placed my gem and star collection displays there. It is a great place for trophies too! ** I am thinking of a reading corner with big city windows. ** I think the NEW wallpaper for big city would be great for an ART museum! could use the new crafty large wall posters and pink modern sofas!

  5. jane says:

    i like these to bad its estore

  6. ibot01 says:

    Too bad it is e-store .

  7. ferretfriend says:

    i’ve actually been wanting to do this for a while…Cool idea, Ganz. ;) -ferretfriend

  8. SilverWolf says:

    Cool!:D 2 bad i’m out of estore points…. ♣§ïlvεrW☼lƒ♣

    • CanadasCoal says:

      @ SilverWolf, im in total agreement. my deluxe membership just expired and it left me with only 9,000 points so im getting a super hero outfit —CanadasCoal ☻

      • SilverWolf says:

        @Canadas Coal if you bought a deluxe pet it extends the deluxe membership 4 another YEAR!:O♣§ïlvεrW☼lƒ♣

        • CanadasCoal says:

          cool but the only e-store pets i have is Hermes my Winged Tiger, Zeus my Thunder Bird, and Fang my Wolf. and i dont think they r deluxe membership pets but thanks anyway! —CanadasCoal ☻

  9. tygerkit says:

    so very cool! i was wondering what to do with all of the neat things ive been getting from arte at the curio shop! ! ~tygerkit~

  10. cathouse2 says:

    I wish those items were in webkinz world! A museum for your pets? How cool is that! >>cathouse2 ^-^<<

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