Congratulations to TrishyWishy26, habibi24, catzruleandzz, nuggystripes, and luckygoat! They’ve each been sent an Adoption Code for a Two Toned Llama, January’s Pet of the Month!
Adopt the Two Toned Llama any time in January to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a special gift you choose yourself!
Have you heard of our virtual Pet of the Month Club? Get 12 Adoption Codes (1 each month) delivered right to your email!
How do you et into the contest?
I’m confused, it says if you adopt the Two Toned Llama you’ll get all this other stuff, and get sent the Adoption Code, but if you already have the Two Toned Lama, they give you another one??? Or is it a different, random pet?
Winners of the contest receive an Adoption Code. Anyone that adopts the Pet of the Month while it is the Pet of the Month gets the loot bag. All owners can access the extra activities scheduled for the Pet of the Month during the month it’s the Pet of the Month.
Congrats, everyone!
There is a notice on this very page, in the box called Important Information, under Webkinz Official Announcement…On the Future of Webkinz Plush Toys :-(
Well, this was supposed to be a reply to the 2 asking about Webkinz plushies.
Yes the two toned llama is a virtual pet. :( :(
hooray!! thank you so much, and good luck to everyone next month