Update #369: What’s New!


Hey there! Welcome to a new year of fun and adventure, Kinzville! I’m honored that you’ve chosen me to be your mayor, so let’s get started. Here’s a look at what we’ve got planned for the next few weeks:



  • Our next Player Appreciation Day for Webkinz Classic AND Webkinz Next is TOMORROW– Thursday, January 16th! Log in to your Webkinz Classic account tomorrow on the desktop app and visit the Today’s Activities schedule to receive your special prize for January: A Winter Wacky Gnome Lantern! On Webkinz Next, look for the prize notification in your Message Center at the top right corner of the screen. PLEASE NOTE, this month’s prize CANNOT be traded, sent, and sold on Webkinz Classic!



  • Going forward for now, we will be doing something different with the seasonal clothing lines. We want to give everyone a chance to access some great pieces from previous clothing lines that might have been missed. So, this winter, PJ Collie has re-added 24 “Winter Favorites” to the KinzStyle Outlet (and the mobile app’s WShop Mobile Zone) under the “New” and other permanent store categories. Also, for the first time in a long while, we’ve updated the KinzStyle Shop! Persephone has added 24 pieces of seasonally retired Deluxe clothing to her permanent stock! As before, the 2024 Summer Clothing Line has been seasonally retired, and the 2024 Fall Clothing Line will appear in the “Clearance” section.



  • We’ve added 3 NEW prizes to the SPREE Mall! The next time you make your way around the SPREE board and visit the mall, you’ll be able to use your Mall Credits to get a DIY Cabinet (for storing DIY items), a Purple Plush Couch, or a Webkinz Parachute Glider! To make room for this new inventory, we’ve retired the Designer Gold Dress and the Gold Leaf Settee.



  • We’re running another Where’s Wacky Challenge from Friday, January 17th until Sunday, January 19th! Complete all the tasks before the end of the weekend and you’ll win a Wacky Juice Box, along with a NEW Where’s Wacky Arcade Unit that links to the Webkinz Arcade!



  • We’re also running another Cash Cow 2 Challenge from Monday, January 20th until Sunday, February 9th! Complete all the tasks before time runs out and you’ll win a Mr. Moo Plushy, along with a NEW Mr. Moo Ice Cream Fridge!



  • One of my FAVORITE Clubhouse rooms—the Antique Shop, returns starting on Tuesday, January 21st and running until Thursday, January 30th! Go visit the Baby Monkey curator in the Antique Shop, who each day is giving away one random Winterfest prize from the past! There are all sorts of cool prizes to collect!



  • January’s Deluxe Day is on Friday, January 24th! When the day arrives, just visit the Today’s Activities schedule on the Webkinz Classic desktop app to get your special prize for January: an Ice Block Patio Tile!



  • We’re having another tea party in Kinzville! Starting on Friday, January 31st, and running until Thursday, February 6th, look for the floating teacup to appear on your screen. Click on it to collect a variety of tea party chairs, tea party tables, and tea party tea sets! For this tea party, we are introducing 3 NEW themes: Neo Gothic, Kids, and City Styling!



  • The Deluxe monthly challenge for February starts on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST! If Deluxe Members complete all the tasks before the end of February, they’ll receive a Sweetheart Plushy, along with a NEW Sweetheart Bed & Breakfast!



  • The February WShop challenge also starts on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST! If you complete all the tasks before the end of February, you’ll receive a Sweetheart Bouquet, along with a NEW Funky Girl Bunk Bed!



  • Starting on Saturday, February 1st, our Valentine Collection Event returns! Just visit the Map of Kinzville on the Webkinz Classic desktop app throughout the month of February to send Valentine requests to your friends. For each milestone of Valentines you receive back, you’ll unlock sweet NEW Valentine themed prizes! And if you finish your collection before the end of February, you can start collecting all over again!



  • Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand is also returning to the Webkinz Classic Kinzville Park (available only on the desktop app). Get a preview February 1 – 6, then collect the 6 chocolates from February 7 – 14, including the Cosmic Crunch Chocolate, available ONLY here on Webkinz Newz. If you collect all 6 chocolates, you’ll unlock this year’s grand prize: a NEW Sweetheart Theater! If you miss out, you can still collect any missed chocolates until February 28th using your eStore Points.



  • The Magic is back! Starting on Wednesday, February 5th, and running until Tuesday, February 14th, look for the floating Magic W to appear on your screen. Click on it to collect a variety of returning Valentine-themed prizes, including a small chance of receiving the grand prize: a Sweetheart Flower Shop!



  • An Employment Office challenge is returning on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH! If you complete all the tasks by Sunday, March 2nd, you’ll receive a KinzPost Floor Tile, along with a KinzPost Conveyor Belt!



  • In February, Deluxe Members will receive their monthly gift box containing a Deluxe Medallion Gift Box filled with pet medallions, the Farm Fresh Theme Gift Box which you can use to choose an item from the Farm Fresh room theme, a Wish Token—and of course—the month’s special clothing prize: a Lovely Belt!



  • If your pet really wants something special, make sure you drop by the Kinzville Park (desktop app only) on Saturday, January 18th and Sunday, January 19th! Look for the Midnight Ice Candy Tree in the park and then click on it to collect a Salty Caramel Tortoise each day! If your pet still craves this tasty treat, you can pick up your own Midnight Ice Candy Tree at the Ganz eStore!



  • If you’ve adopted a Love Hedgehog from the Ganz eStore, collect a FREE Lovely Patio Mystery Box from the Today’s Activities schedule (desktop app only) on Saturday, February 8th and Sunday, February 9th! Inside you’ll find something special from the Ganz eStore’s Lovely Patio theme!



  • We are also running another Bake Sale 1 event in the Webkinz Classic Kinzville Park starting TODAY. The Bake Sale 1 Stand will continue to appear whenever there are no other events on in the Kinzville Park until February 11th! Visit the Kinzville Park each day to look for the stand each day and if you see it, click on it to get your gift box. Inside you’ll find a random baked good which you can either feed your pet, or you can use it in a stove recipe to create a special prize! You can find all the recipes in the Bake Sale 1 Cookbook, available in the “Books” section of the WShop, under “Fun Stuff”.



  • We’ve updated our prize wheels, but under the new administration, we are once again exclusively offering previous prizes. We also have updated the returning prizes on the Wheel of Deluxe, Wheel of Wishes, Wheel of the Month, Balloon Darts, Token Balloon Darts, and the Vacation Wheel!






Well, that’s sounds like LOTS of fun– lots to do, and lots to collect! Soon, I’ll also have some exciting news about my NEW rare room theme!



Hope you find what you’re looking for!





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53 Responses to Update #369: What’s New!

  1. katriana says:

    The funky bunk bed! Eek I’m excited!

  2. cole8688 says:

    Gnome: why do you constantly have things that you can’t sell (aka delete).

    • sally says:

      These are eStore items that have been available for sale directly, which is why they cannot be sold in game. They are offered through the Today’s Activities page instead of automatically being added to your account so you can choose not to add them if you don’t want them.

  3. cole8688 says:

    I love how you go to the wishing well and your cash cow game points automatically are 120! I think you have a malfunction going on!

  4. lemony says:

    Can the article please be updated to show that these items collected in classic will be send to linked next accounts. Thanks

    • lemony says:

      Sorry, meant to add the collection event items ;0 Starting on Saturday, February 1st, our Valentine Collection Event returns! Just visit the Map of Kinzville on the Webkinz Classic desktop app throughout the month of February to send Valentine requests to your friends. For each milestone of Valentines you receive back, you’ll unlock sweet NEW Valentine themed prizes! And if you finish your collection before the end of February, you can start collecting all over again!

  5. mkd61_mkd says:

    I will add your grandson. My username on classic is mamakinz10. Welcome to Webkinz

    • noonesfriend says:

      Hi mamakinz10 Thanks for being a great friend. He is a young boy and interested only in GAMES; games; games ! =) No need to send a present; just a hello, if you will. Thanks so much. I can’t seem to find your mamakinz account on any of mine, though I know you are. Will send a personal note.

  6. puppyluv9063 says:

    I am so excited for all of the Valentine’s prizes, they are so pretty! I am also so excited we get new tea sets! The bunk beds are super cute, and so is the Sweet Heart bed and breakfast. I am excited for February!

  7. Plushzoo says:

    I never knew Arte had such a nice signature. I need an autograph.

  8. purplepot says:

    That ice dress and fuzzy boots are sooo cute!! I think those are new? Wish I was still Deluxe lol

  9. hofo says:

    so many new exciting things to look forward to

  10. vacant2007 says:

    omg im so excited about the clothes!

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