Update #371: What’s New!


Hey there! It’s time for more fun and adventure, Kinzville! Here’s a look at what we’ve got planned for the next few weeks:



  • St. Patrick’s Day arrives on Monday, March 17th! Log in to Webkinz Classic on any platform that day to receive this year’s lucky gift: an Emerald Crown!



  • Our next Webkinz Days of Play event runs from Tuesday, March 18th until Wednesday, March 26th. Log in each day during that time to receive some extra plays for your favorite Magical Forest activities.



  • Our next Player Appreciation Day for Webkinz Classic AND Webkinz Next is next Thursday, March 20th! Log in to your Webkinz Classic account on the desktop app and visit the Today’s Activities schedule to get your special prize for March: A Gentle Spring Rug! On Webkinz Next, look for the prize notification in your Message Center at the top right corner of the screen. PLEASE NOTE, this month’s prize CANNOT be traded, sent, and sold on Webkinz Classic!



  • We’re holding another Wacky Weekend event from Friday, March 21st, until Sunday, March 23rd! During that weekend, look for Wacky to float across your screen. When you click on him, you’ll receive some Wacky Gummies. Each time you feed your pet Wacky Gummies, there’s a chance you’ll receive this year’s GRAND PRIZE: some Wacky Cupcake Tree Seeds that you can plant in your yard!



  • March’s Deluxe Day is this Saturday, March 22nd! When the day arrives, just visit the Today’s Activities schedule on the Webkinz Classic desktop app to get your special prize for March: A Bench Press Sofa!



  • We’re running a Kinzville Academy Challenge from Monday, March 24th until Sunday, April 13th! During those dates, if you complete all the tasks, you’ll win two returning prizes, including a Academy Playing Field, and a KVA Confetti Cannon!



  • There’s a BIG party coming to Webkinz World with our 20th anniversary. To help get ready for this big event, come by and visit our Party Planning Clubhouse Room (desktop app only) from March 27th until April 9th. Each day Holly Hopper will be giving out a gift box containing a random DIY dye! You can use the dye together with a DIY Design Ticket and DIY furniture (found in the DIY section of the WShop) in the KinzStyle Outlet’s Clothing Machine to create some cool DIY designs!



  • Visit the Antique Shop Clubhouse room, returning to Webkinz Classic from Monday, March 24th until Wednesday, April 2nd! Click on the Baby Monkey running the Antique Shop once a day to receive a cool spring themed prize from the past!



  • We’re having another tea party in Kinzville! Starting on Monday, March 31st, and running until Sunday, April 6th, look for the floating teacup to appear on your screen. Click on it to collect a variety of tea party chairs, tea party tables, and tea party tea sets!



  • A NEW room theme is coming to the WShop just in time for our 20th anniversary! The Year 20 Banquet Room theme will be available for a limited time. From April 1st – May 31st, you’ll be able to use your KinzCash to pick the dozen different items and use them to create your own banquet hall! Don’t forget to use all those coupons you’ve been saving up to get a real deal!



  • There’s a NEW pet medallion collection running throughout April! Starting April 1st, look for the floating Canada Goose Pet Medallion to appear on your screen. Once you collect 100 medallions, you can adopt the Canada Goose onto your account! Don’t forget to get your Year 20 Webkinz Day Gift Box on April 29th because inside you’ll find a Medallion Gift Box with 25 Canada Goose to help with your collection!



  • The Deluxe monthly challenge for April starts on TUESDAY, APRIL 1ST! If Deluxe Members complete all the tasks before the end of April, they’ll receive some Lunar Lugbotz Wall Stickers, along with a NEW Movie Trailer!



  • We’ll also be running a NEW Webkinz Host challenge with PJ Collie starting on TUESDAY, APRIL 1ST! If you complete all the tasks before the end of April, you’ll receive a PJ Collie Plushy, along with a NEW KinzStyle Outlet Clothing Rack!



  • Our 2025 Chocolate Egg event returns to Webkinz Classic from Monday, April 7th until Sunday, April 20th! During those dates, look for the 2025 Milk Chocolate Eggs all around the Webkinz Classic game. When you feed a 2025 Milk Chocolate Egg to your pet, you’ll win a random NEW spring-themed prize! Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn more about this year’s prizes.



  • Don’t forget that also starting on April 7th, you can also get 2025 White Chocolate Eggs from the Ganz eStore, or directly from the WShop! Available in cartons of 6 eggs, once you open the carton, you can feed each of the eggs to your pet to win some spring-themed items that go together with the 2025 Milk Chocolate Eggs! There’s also a chance you’ll win 1 of 2 GRAND PRIZES: a 2025 Milk Chocolate Hot Air Balloon or a 2025 White Chocolate Egg Balloon!



  • In April, Deluxe Members will receive their monthly gift box containing a Deluxe Medallion Gift Box filled with pet medallions, the Farm Fresh Theme Gift Box which you can use to choose an item from the Farm Fresh room theme, a Wish Token—and of course—the month’s special clothing prize: a Wildflower Belt!



  • If you’ve adopted a Tranquil Rabbit from the Ganz eStore, collect a FREE Tranquil Teal ?? Box from the Today’s Activities schedule (desktop app only) on Saturday, March 15th and Sunday, March 16th! Inside you’ll find something special from the Ganz eStore’s Tranquil Teal theme!



  • If your pet really wants something special, make sure you drop by the Kinzville Park (desktop app only) on Saturday, March 15th and Sunday, March 16th! Look for the Caramel Mint Candy Tree in the park and then click on it to collect some Caramel Mints each day! If your pet still craves this tasty treat, you can pick up your own Caramel Mint Candy Tree at the Ganz eStore!



  • We are also running another Bake Sale 3 event in the Webkinz Classic Kinzville Park starting TODAY. The Bake Sale 3 Stand will continue to appear whenever there are no other events on in the Kinzville Park until April 8th! Visit the Kinzville Park each day to look for the stand each day and if you see it, click on it to get your gift box. Inside you’ll find a random baked good which you can either feed your pet, or you can use it in a stove recipe to create a special prize! You can find all the recipes in the Bake Sale 3 Cookbook, available in the “Books” section of the WShop, under “Fun Stuff”.



  • We’ve updated our prize wheels with a second chance at some returning prizes. We’ve also updated the previous prizes on Balloon Darts and Token Balloon Darts!






Well, that’s sounds like LOTS of fun– lots to do, and lots to collect! Soon, I’ll also have some exciting news about my NEW rare room theme!



Hope you find what you’re looking for!





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12 Responses to Update #371: What’s New!

  1. Chrystal77 says:

    Fantastic update! Lots of great things happening in Webkinz World! I’m incredibly excited for The Canada Goose Medallions, Year 20 Banquet Theme and The 2025 Milk and White Chocolate Eggs. I’m also looking forward to celebrating 20 Years of Webkinz World. Thank you Ganz!

  2. strawberrycream12 says:

    Oh my, so many exciting things! I am so excited for the Webkinz Day celebration and the Easter prizes! Yay! What a fun month! :)

  3. twigfan says:

    This update is awesome, thank you all!

  4. treasure16 says:

    Wow! This is so exciting! I can’t wait for the big Webkinz Day party! I’ve been playing for almost the whole 20 years! I’m also exciting for the chocolate egg event and the antique shop! I have a question about that, will the past spring prizes that the baby monkey will be giving out be from past chocolate eggs? Thanks! :D

  5. phoenixphillip says:

    I am SO excited for these updates! The Canadian Goose is incredibly cute! I always love the Antiques Room, and the new Kinzstyle Rack looks amazing, just like the one in PJ Collie’s shop! Can’t wait!

  6. pittiesrule says:

    I can’t wait to get the Emerald Crown, Gentle Spring Rug, DIY bag, Year 20 Banquet Room theme, Canada Goose Medallions, KinzStyle Outlet Clothing Rack & Milk Chocolate Eggs. I wish that I could get the Bench Press Sofa, Movie Trailer, 2025 White Chocolate Eggs & Wildflower Belt.

  7. stinkypete says:

    Very excited to get the canadian goose!

  8. dawnshome says:

    everything looks great! Thanks!

  9. banana1514 says:

    I love the new wheel prizes!! so much to look forward to :) thanks ganz!!!

  10. nevermind1968 says:


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