Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

We’ve got a big Webkinz World update today, with a brand new community feature and new items. Here’s some of the fresh content new to Webkinz World today:

  • Communal Contests: Connect with the Webkinz Community using our new Communal Contests feature, where you can vote for prizes and participate in competitions! Visit the new “Communal Contest” section to participate!
  • New Mega-Recipes: We’ve cooked up five new Mega-Recipes for you to find with your Mega-Stove! Can you find the new recipes?
  • New Items: The second half of the Galaxy theme joins the long list of items in Webkinz World this week. There are quite a few surprises coming soon on the Ganz eStore in the future, too!
  • Bug Fixes: We’ve also fixed a few bugs this week, including a problem that was occasionally preventing players from trading in KinzChat Plus Clubhouse rooms, an issue with the Green Score MyPage widget added with Keeping The Park Clean, and an issue with Quizzy’s Calendar where the Calendar would reset itself when closed.

Keep your eyes peeled here on Webkinz Newz and on the Kinzville Times newspaper in Webkinz World for even more details about the new content in the coming days. What do you think of this new update? Let us know in the comments!

2,253 Responses to Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

  1. Jesse says:

    You should really make a webkinz TV series!!! Everyone would watch it!!! Use all the chariters from the W Tales books and from around webkinz world!!! Then you can add all your webkinz music videos to it!! It would be the best thing that has ever happend to Webkinz!!! Please make it!!! :)

  2. kwala234 says:


  3. whindow says:

    I think you should let webkinz friends go in each others rooms.Thanks!Webkinz Rocks!;)

  4. Golfertia says:

    I spoke with my sisters, and we agree that an Around-the-World room theme would be cool! With A globe bed, a Leaning Tower of Pisa lamp, and more! It would help kids learn about famous sites from around the world. As for a pet, an Egyptian Cat would be sweet, but please put it in stores, not the estore…

  5. whindow says:

    I think leting us webkinz owners type in our
    own things in the speech bubbles. :)

  6. LoganHayleeRocks says:

    I think that there should be a canvas plush cat, dog, horse, etc., that can be drawn on in real life, and then, when you adopt it in webkinz world,, you can decorate it your self again! (but online of course!)

  7. sylviaperelshteyn says:

    I think you should either make the wishes with less than 10 tokens or make there a faster way to get a lot of tokens a month, like more wheels. there could also be a lot of tokens if when you adopt any pet(not exactly signature pet). thank you for listening!!!!!!!!!!1

  8. demonsi says:

    heres my idea:post a pic of your pet @ home and make it animated!! your own personal webkinz!!!!! i hope u like my idea. thank you WEBKINZ ROCK!!!

  9. hockeygirl717 says:

    I think that we should have more updates on new clothes for our pets. We do have a lot of clothes in the shop but we need to update them. Or create a thing that the people playing can create their own clothes for their pets. I also like the idea that other kids posted of having your very own neighbourhood to walk around in. That would be cool

  10. Olivia says:

    I think it would be sooooooo awesome if you could make lil’ brown dogs!!!!!!!!!!
    I love the brown dogs and it would be cool for there to have lil’ ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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