Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

We’ve got a big Webkinz World update today, with a brand new community feature and new items. Here’s some of the fresh content new to Webkinz World today:

  • Communal Contests: Connect with the Webkinz Community using our new Communal Contests feature, where you can vote for prizes and participate in competitions! Visit the new “Communal Contest” section to participate!
  • New Mega-Recipes: We’ve cooked up five new Mega-Recipes for you to find with your Mega-Stove! Can you find the new recipes?
  • New Items: The second half of the Galaxy theme joins the long list of items in Webkinz World this week. There are quite a few surprises coming soon on the Ganz eStore in the future, too!
  • Bug Fixes: We’ve also fixed a few bugs this week, including a problem that was occasionally preventing players from trading in KinzChat Plus Clubhouse rooms, an issue with the Green Score MyPage widget added with Keeping The Park Clean, and an issue with Quizzy’s Calendar where the Calendar would reset itself when closed.

Keep your eyes peeled here on Webkinz Newz and on the Kinzville Times newspaper in Webkinz World for even more details about the new content in the coming days. What do you think of this new update? Let us know in the comments!

2,253 Responses to Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

  1. Kirby says:

    i think there should be a food court, where you can have different choices of food stands to pick from, like chinese, asian, pizza, and instead of subway it should be webway, and instead of mcdonalds their should be a mc, then a new characters name to go after mc! That would be awesome! There should also be a hair salon. I love how plumpy has hair now why can’t we? thanks for listening to my coment!

  2. Antonella says:

    i love all the new games and seeing the face on my webkinz when i win kinz cash before i forget can you make a signature horse or a signature fish? THANKS for reading my comment bye!

  3. Maria says:

    How about a signature Bobcat?
    item:Fish Pond, fish jump out,Bob cat catches
    food:fish candy drops
    thanks a lot Ganz!

  4. cowgir1999 says:

    I think you should have a game in the Arcade were you can decorate your own wedding cake or Birthday cake and it would be cool if there was a college and you could open your own buisness and you should have a theater were you can watch the latest webkinz movies and you need more jobs at the employment office without having to go complete questions at Quizzys and there needs to be more recess!

  5. Grayson says:

    I was thinking webkinz could make it so not just in my page but everywhere you could make your accont the way you want it. I would also like if you could make webkinz bugs. I also agree with some people that we need full room themes and webkinz movies. Another thing I would like is a webkinz amusment park room theme and water park room theme and put the pieses to it in the W shop.

  6. Kyo says:

    I would like to see the opinion of being able to have our own room names again because it is our way of being creative. I would also like a way to Rename pets and Deleted unwanted rooms or move them.

  7. tatelynn Hesperia,Ca says:

    i think webkinz are great and everything is great in webkinz world are great i have been with webkinz world for 1 whole year i love getting on the computer everyday and winning kinzkash also seeing my pets faces so happy i love webkinz and whoever made webkinz knows that kids love them and everyone wants one i also have an suggestion could you make a signature penguin thank you for reading my comment

  8. Glitter Ice Princess101 says:

    more pet ideas
    striped frog
    tigerlily snake
    angel sword fish
    charming dog prince

  9. Glitter Ice Princess101 says:

    I also have some pet ideas:

    mexican poodle
    pom pom pomeranian
    items:pink cheerleading dress and heart boots,spirit pie
    electric eel(friendly)
    dwarf goat
    asian chicken
    signature ant
    aquamarine collie
    aphrodite pomeranian
    zeus pug
    tickling tiger leopard
    item: tikling tiger lily,tikling tea
    mermaid pomeranian

  10. motormouth001 says:

    I think you should create these 8 2010 June pets:Spotted Alligator, item:Spotted Alligator egg.Fact about the item:When you click on it the egg hatch and a baby alligator comes out!Food:Spotted glush goo.About food:it looks like goo but it has spots inside.What the gift box look like:just spotted but it has grass on the bottom.Next webkinz:blueberry jumbel bear.Item:blueberry beanbag chair.Fact about the item:it just look like a blueberry that’s a beanbag chair.But When your pet sit’s on it, it sucks into the chair.Food:blueberries on a plate.What is the food:it’s just ordaniry blurberries on a plate.What the gift box look like:just blueberries on them and the ribbon is blue.next webkinz:Cranberrie Cat.Item:Cranberry lamp.Fact about item:when you click on it,it light up!Food:Cranberrie jello pie.What it looks like:a cranberrie pie but inside a cranberrie jello flavored jello(and the jello is red).What the gift box look like:just Cranberries on them.Next pet:ABC block dog.Item:huge ABC block.What does the item do:just a decoration.Food:ABC milk bottel.What food look like: just a pink baby milk bottel with a red A,a green B,and a yellow C.what gift box look like:it look like a ABC block.next webkinz:Wet Elephant.Item:super wet bathtub.What the item do:you just take the pet a bath.food: super wet water.What food look like:plain old water.wat the gift box look like:just blue.next webkinz:Seaweed fish.Item:swaying seaweeds.What the item look like:Green and it sways back and forth back and forth.What gift box look like:Green.and last but not least which of these 2 signitured pet is the best:griffen giraff or the hermit crab?

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