Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

We’ve got a big Webkinz World update today, with a brand new community feature and new items. Here’s some of the fresh content new to Webkinz World today:

  • Communal Contests: Connect with the Webkinz Community using our new Communal Contests feature, where you can vote for prizes and participate in competitions! Visit the new “Communal Contest” section to participate!
  • New Mega-Recipes: We’ve cooked up five new Mega-Recipes for you to find with your Mega-Stove! Can you find the new recipes?
  • New Items: The second half of the Galaxy theme joins the long list of items in Webkinz World this week. There are quite a few surprises coming soon on the Ganz eStore in the future, too!
  • Bug Fixes: We’ve also fixed a few bugs this week, including a problem that was occasionally preventing players from trading in KinzChat Plus Clubhouse rooms, an issue with the Green Score MyPage widget added with Keeping The Park Clean, and an issue with Quizzy’s Calendar where the Calendar would reset itself when closed.

Keep your eyes peeled here on Webkinz Newz and on the Kinzville Times newspaper in Webkinz World for even more details about the new content in the coming days. What do you think of this new update? Let us know in the comments!

2,253 Responses to Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

  1. okta3 says:

    sinaure ideas:
    and SIG.SNAKE

  2. okta3 says:

    Thing I want in webkinz world:
    1.New carnival area
    2.cheaper membership
    3.something every month
    4.easier dicekinz
    5.you’re able to go into the spa at the travel agency
    6.every year you have a webkinz, you get a wish token,1000 kinzcash,and an exlusive item
    P.S.GANZ RULZ!!!

  3. DizzieDuck says:

    Hi, I am a Webkinz pet owner. And i’ve got a few cool idea’s to make Webkinz World better!Not that it already is. Don’t get me wrong, I think Webkinz World is awesome! But I have idea’s to make it even cooler than it already is! I was thinking that it might be fun to have a Webkinz mall that you can walk your pet around in and buy stuff!(kinda like the clubhouse.)That would be cool. Also, something to where we could travel to different countries! Maybe there can be clothes shops selling clothes from those countries and furniture. One of my other ideas was to have a camera stored in the dock and you can take pictures of your webkins with it. And they would pose for you when you push the button that says “say cheese” or something. And that is all for now. Thanks!

  4. rosa42 says:

    i think there should be new outfits and furniture something available for everyone to see and look at and purchase. i would also like to see some new furniture like pretty beds and awesome couches like the 70′s themes or maybe even 80′s i also like the way you guys rock with the music videos. So Cool! But yeah i wanna see some new fashions and oh a creat your own fashions page would be totally chic. Plus maybe even a
    “Create your own threads and treads” book. I am always looking out for new fresh ideas and things. But i think you guys should maybe look a little into the strawberry dog. Sounds so cool. I also fell in love with the spotted seal, dragon, and chocolate cow. Anyway i love webkinz world anyway and i hope it will improve just a bit but even if u guys cant get to mine and everyone elses great comments and suggestions , i will love webkinz world just the same. You guys rock so keep up with great work.

  5. *~*kenzie*~* says:

    i think that you guys should make a boxer thats white and brown, italian grayhound, a WHITE TIGER!!!

  6. anonymous says:

    About my travel idea, you shuold also be able to stay in a hotel. (= And (even better) you should be able to go to cool tourist spots such as “The Wbkinz Wall of China” for example! (=

  7. Bill40 says:

    I think that is a great idea, rde01!

  8. Keenako says:

    More cheeky pets would be nice. A strawberry cheeky dog sounds cute.
    You should also make a Webkinz Jackalope.

  9. eddycm99 says:

    I think you guys should make a
    1. signature collie
    2. signature tye die frog
    3. t-rex
    4. lil kinz sinatures
    If you guys can’t make this stuff you guys are still awsome!

  10. i am a fan of britnnay spears says:

    a huge slide and there is a pool at the end of it.And it is the slide is swirly and fun too it is 100 ft.

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