Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

We’ve got a big Webkinz World update today, with a brand new community feature and new items. Here’s some of the fresh content new to Webkinz World today:

  • Communal Contests: Connect with the Webkinz Community using our new Communal Contests feature, where you can vote for prizes and participate in competitions! Visit the new “Communal Contest” section to participate!
  • New Mega-Recipes: We’ve cooked up five new Mega-Recipes for you to find with your Mega-Stove! Can you find the new recipes?
  • New Items: The second half of the Galaxy theme joins the long list of items in Webkinz World this week. There are quite a few surprises coming soon on the Ganz eStore in the future, too!
  • Bug Fixes: We’ve also fixed a few bugs this week, including a problem that was occasionally preventing players from trading in KinzChat Plus Clubhouse rooms, an issue with the Green Score MyPage widget added with Keeping The Park Clean, and an issue with Quizzy’s Calendar where the Calendar would reset itself when closed.

Keep your eyes peeled here on Webkinz Newz and on the Kinzville Times newspaper in Webkinz World for even more details about the new content in the coming days. What do you think of this new update? Let us know in the comments!

2,253 Responses to Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

  1. Kiara says:

    I think that we should have more destinations to go on vacation. i.e. California, Hawaii, etc. and have different activities done there.

  2. Mel says:

    Here are some ideas for Webkinz pets:
    Skye Terrier
    Longhair Chihuaua
    Japanese Terrier
    and a Maltese.
    Sorry about the long list!

  3. Sammy says:

    I have an idea. Maybe we could make a webkinz olympics. There can be some events like the regular olympics but some can be arcade games. The prize to the winner can be 50,000 kinzcash,a solid gold trophy, 10 pack of trading cards,an extra 6 months in webkinz, and 20,00 e-store points The runners up will recieve 10,000 kinzcash a silver or bronze medal, and an extra 3 months in webkinz plus an extra 5,000 e-store points.

  4. DizzieDuck says:

    OK, not realy sure who said this but I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaly LOVE the idea!!! The one that Webkinz should be able to walk outside. I seriously had thought of that same idea like a year before I started playing Webkinz! Isn’t that hilarious!? I think they should be able to walk down the streets and enter stores and knock on other ‘kinz’s doors too!!! Pretty pleeeeeeeeeeaaase, GANZ! It would be soooooooooooooo AWESOME!!! If you dont Ill stil love Webkinz of course but it would be awesome! Thanks!

  5. DizzieDuck says:

    Here is one of my Webkinz pet idea’s:
    She’s cute, she’s sweet, and she’s the perfect pet for you! Introducing the Webkinz flying squirrel! She’s got those irresistable big eyes, that bushy tail, and best of all she can fly! She glides from tree to tree to…your arms! Adopt this adorable Webkinz glider and you will also receive a super awesome gift; a tree of course! Coming soon! (I hope! lol!)I was thinking a tree similar to the ones at the kinzville park to come with it. Hope you like it! Thanks!

  6. Amanda says:

    I think that coming out with the following would be awesome!

    1) A Spider with a Tangled Up Web Chair and Fruity Bug Punch as its food

    2) I Squid with a Ink Puff Jukebox and Inky Fish Soup as it food

    3)A Flamingo with a Flmingo Swimming Pool and Pink Crill Cookies as its food!

  7. webkinzlover98 says:

    i think that u should have a hair salon and u can actually get your pet a hair style

  8. webkinzlover98 says:

    that would b so much fun. i also have an idea please make the sock monkey plush iLOVE that thing thanks for reading

    u ROCK

  9. Grace-wa says:

    Just giving yah all some ideas!

    ~Chocolate Bunny(eStore)
    ~Signature Koala
    ~Pink and Black Cheeky Cat
    ~Hot Dog Stand!!
    ~Speeding Dragonfly(eStore)
    ~More PLaces To Travel
    ~Tropical Treetop Island
    ~Mocha Cafe
    ~Marvelous Webkinz Mall(Like the Clubhouse but you buy stuff that are like priceless like a Million $).
    ~Flawless Flamingo
    ~Rainbow Lizard(eStore)
    ~Signature Toucan
    ~Black and White Clysdale
    ~Seasonal Fireworks Fish
    ~Seasonal Vampire Bat
    ~Seasonal Cotton Candy Puppy

    Hope you make my ideas become real!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. WantASparklingPegasusSoBADDD! says:

    Ooh, I would love a Webkinz Mall. You could like meet friends there and shop with them, and stores could pay Ganz to advertise in the Mall, like have popular stores in the mall to advertise. There should be a food court and everything, the food court could have a smoothie stand, a soft pretzel store, ooh and a candy store, Webkinz have sweet tooths too, just look at the Sweet Tooth Tiger, LOL ;)! Different countries in Webkinz world would be cool too! I mean it is called Webkinz WORLD, world doesn;t mean one place, it means different countries adn places. Oh and I would love it if Ganz made Persian clothes to go with the new Persian rare theme. Thanks for listening Ganz, I love yah :)!!! Keep being the best company around Ganz! ;D!

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