Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

We’ve got a big Webkinz World update today, with a brand new game and some brand new items. Here’s some of the fresh content new to Webkinz World today:

  • Duck Crossing: Our newest addition to the Arena, Duck Crossing is a multiplayer strategy game which requires planning and patience. Each player controls a duck, and the goal of the game is to move your duck from one end of the pond to the opposite end.
  • New Theme Items: You’ll have the perfect play place for your pets with our newly-revamped “Kids” Theme, which is replacing the old Kids Theme that will now be retired to the Curio Shop.
  • New Superbed: Sitting atop an atlas, touched up with a telescope, and finished with a flashlight, the Explorer Adventures Bed is a wonder of Webkinz World!
  • Bug Fixes: We’ve fixed a few bugs around Webkinz World as well, including the Silver Key freezing issue in the Magical Forest.

Keep your eyes peeled here on Webkinz Newz and on the Kinzville Times newspaper in Webkinz World for even more details about the new content in the coming days. What do you think of this new update? Let us know in the comments!

570 Responses to Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

  1. Cinderella5700 says:

    I would like to see some new room themes with all new furniture,I have all the room themes you offer, and for my future pets I would hate to duplicate. Thank you sooo much for Mr Birdie this x-mas it was fun finding her and getting all that cool x-mas stuff. And for making it easy. Can’t wait for 2010 in webkinz world!!!! :) You are doing a great job!!!!!

  2. zumbuddysmile says:

    I think their shud b a zumbuddy that’s black and red and is a lava zumbuddy and it’s name thingy could b Zedor. Who likes it? I LUV GANZ!

  3. ElectricSparx says:

    I think it would be AWESOME if you guys made a Quizzy’s wheel. It would be sorta like the wheel of fortune. You know, you would spin the wheel and get a trivia question. If you got it right, you would win a BIG prize of KinzCash! And it could be multiplayer, as well. I wish you guys would make the multiplayer games take up to 4 players! THAT WOULD ROCK!!!!!!! And a big glitch with calendar trivia. It makes me do questions over again! PLEASE FIX IT.

  4. LynsLuLu says:

    Thank you Ganz for being so responsive. I don’t know of another company that cares about its customers as much as yours. Thank you especially for fixing the silver key lock-up. I love the new Kids theme. It’s much cooler than the old one and is very gender-neutral so any pet looks good with it! I absolutely adore the Clover Puppy and like the Love Lion idea, but wish it were a Love Lioness instead. Pink and hearts aren’t very masculine. Overall, great job with most of the fixes. Please get Quizzy’s Bonus/Calendar fixed though. Thanks again.

  5. Miranda says:

    You have a great idea awesomegirl, it’s special food could be rainbow peace mac and cheese. Oh yah, and Here is my whole design ideas:
    Back, rainbow stripe starting from head to bottom
    Nose, rainbow peace signs
    Paws, rainbow peace signs
    Body, White backround
    OR OR OR….. you could have a white backround and then have small rainbow peace signs all over the body. It is up to you guys!(and gals too!!!) Thanks for taking your time to read this letter/comment. Have an awesome day.

  6. Kaylee says:

    I L-O-V-E the new game and I L-O-V-E the new theme and the super bed.I LOVE all of the changes ganz has done!d;

  7. llama says:

    can we get some zippy zum theme furniture for the zum’s rooms?

  8. scantalope says:

    I would love to see more word games

  9. Chloe says:

    A rainbow puppy and a peace puppy!!!! ADORBLE!!!

  10. elmergene says:

    I have an ideal what about make a game about resucing animals. We could find lost dogs or cats, wash them clean them up and get them adopted. Ganz could make up a few pets such as what people say is a mixed breed, I would call them pound puppys, maybe a wrinkle dog, a dog like the ones on lady and the tramp, when you purchase one of the Pound Puppys it opens a game, the game is made to where you rescue animals and you have to be carful you have to feed them make sure they get baths and get haircuts, and you have to be careful not to give the pound puppy to the wrong owner. I also think it would be great if ganz would donate a dollar to the human society to save a real pound puppy so that even us kids can make a difference. please ganz think abou this ideal there are so many cats and dogs that die everyday this might be a great way to educate how to take cae of yor pets, and it could raise money to help save those animals that no one i taking care of.

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