Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

We’ve got a big Webkinz World update today, with a brand new game and some brand new items. Here’s some of the fresh content new to Webkinz World today:

  • Duck Crossing: Our newest addition to the Arena, Duck Crossing is a multiplayer strategy game which requires planning and patience. Each player controls a duck, and the goal of the game is to move your duck from one end of the pond to the opposite end.
  • New Theme Items: You’ll have the perfect play place for your pets with our newly-revamped “Kids” Theme, which is replacing the old Kids Theme that will now be retired to the Curio Shop.
  • New Superbed: Sitting atop an atlas, touched up with a telescope, and finished with a flashlight, the Explorer Adventures Bed is a wonder of Webkinz World!
  • Bug Fixes: We’ve fixed a few bugs around Webkinz World as well, including the Silver Key freezing issue in the Magical Forest.

Keep your eyes peeled here on Webkinz Newz and on the Kinzville Times newspaper in Webkinz World for even more details about the new content in the coming days. What do you think of this new update? Let us know in the comments!

570 Responses to Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

  1. Sara says:

    Hey its me again i have been seeing people put down pet ideas so mine is… Flower Frog!
    Its pet item could be called, Frower Bed( like frog and flower together) and it could have a bedding with lily pads and colorful flowers all over it and the pillows could be huge flowers. The Food could be called Frower Splash. Design it however you think it will look! Please take a moment to think about it

  2. mjm1278 says:

    We chose it for a pet we added today and now she’s frozen. Please don’t put items for sale that don’t work!!!

  3. Sara says:

    Hi, well i the new kids room theme, well i put in my wallpaper and flooring and it wasn’t going in, so i left the room, and tried to go back and it won’t let me go in!
    So please fix it soon! Because i spent a lot of money on that room theme, i even bought a new room for it!

  4. cherry1m says:

    i think there should be a new daily game called jumping beans .this how you would play it.you have 2 try to get the bean as far as possible before it hits the ground.if you get it past 1000 feet you will get to pick a prize.

  5. cherry1m says:

    i think you should get a new game called catch it. it is a 2 player game. you throw a ball at your oppent and you have to catch it before it hits the wall.this game would go in the tounament areana . the winner of the game get 100 dollers and the loser gets 50 . i think this would be a great game to play so can you please put a game kinda like this in webkinz world.

  6. Zumbuddie 2000 says:

    i would LOVE to see an australian shepard!

  7. Zumbuddie 2000 says:

    I have a problem with the new room theme it will not let me go in. I really get mad when i try going in the room. Please fix it soon. P.S (Idea of a pet) You can make a cool totally in style. . . Blue and purple cow. It can come with a cow (purple and blue) LOUNGER! And the food can be called blurple surprise! (You design it whatever you want) :)Thanks

  8. Monkyo says:

    A Signatare Mandril

  9. awesomegirl says:

    come on an adventure with the webkinz safari! lol! (LAUGH OUT LOUD = LOL)

  10. awesomegirl says:

    go webkinz! go GANZ! go awesomegirl! go webkinz videos!

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