Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

We’ve got a big Webkinz World update today, with a brand new game and some brand new items. Here’s some of the fresh content new to Webkinz World today:

  • Duck Crossing: Our newest addition to the Arena, Duck Crossing is a multiplayer strategy game which requires planning and patience. Each player controls a duck, and the goal of the game is to move your duck from one end of the pond to the opposite end.
  • New Theme Items: You’ll have the perfect play place for your pets with our newly-revamped “Kids” Theme, which is replacing the old Kids Theme that will now be retired to the Curio Shop.
  • New Superbed: Sitting atop an atlas, touched up with a telescope, and finished with a flashlight, the Explorer Adventures Bed is a wonder of Webkinz World!
  • Bug Fixes: We’ve fixed a few bugs around Webkinz World as well, including the Silver Key freezing issue in the Magical Forest.

Keep your eyes peeled here on Webkinz Newz and on the Kinzville Times newspaper in Webkinz World for even more details about the new content in the coming days. What do you think of this new update? Let us know in the comments!

570 Responses to Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

  1. GirlyGirlLikesToShop says:

    A Mall would tottaly rock my world I go to a real mall at least 3 times aweek and a bank would be even better for 2 reasons 1 I could save money at the bank like in real life and 2 Kids could learn about banks! I would have had only one good reason until you brought up that it would teach kids. Good thinking. Webkinz people like to bring education to webkinz world so parent will let their kids use it more often!

  2. GimmeAMall says:

    MAKE A MALL IN WEBKINZ WORLD PLEASE!!! MintyPuppy37 has got a great idea!

  3. IWannaWebkinzBank says:

    Mall good idea but BANK GREAT IDEA! Webkinz people should definitly do this one.

  4. cometgirl says:

    Banks would be a good idea. I love love love to spend my kinzcash so I run out all the time. If there was a bank I could save some for later. Good idea MintyPuppy37!!!

  5. MintyPuppy37 says:

    I think having a mall would be awesome! That way the estore could be in the mall for duluxe members to easily get stuff from it. Also 1 word BANK I really think it’s a good idea and it would teach younger kids a lesson about money and how to save it up and spend it wisely!

  6. MintyPuppy37 says:

    I like the sound of having a shopping type room but instead of it being in the clubhouse I think that it should be in a new place like the Kinzville mall with an asortment of shops and resturants and ATMs and banks.

  7. MintyPuppy37 says:

    The updates are great but what webkinz world really needs is a bank. Shoulndn’t that be in the updates?

  8. WebkinzSGS7 says:


    Also, could you make the Webkinz Reindeer be the Pet of the Month soon?
    Thanks for everything!

  9. WebkinzSGS7 says:

    I LOVE the new game Duck Crossing! It is so fun! Please make a fishing game for the Arcade or Tournament Arena! That would be awesome! Also, here’s some ideas for the future in Webkinz World:
    -a Webkinz Signature Squirrel
    -a Webkinz Grizzly Bear
    -a Craft Center [like for the Clubhouse]
    -a Webkinz Signature Polar Bear
    -a Mall [where you can shop for clothes and furniture and stuff like that]
    -an Ice Rink
    That’s all the stuff that I can think of now. Thanks!

  10. Dominique says:

    Thanks for the new stuff. I liked the new Kid’s theme, but I also love the *old* one. I have the old bed, and I like it better then the new one.The Super bed is COOL! I have almost all, so I will be sure to pick that one for my new Blufadoodle!

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