Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

We’ve got a big Webkinz World update today, with a brand new game and some brand new items. Here’s some of the fresh content new to Webkinz World today:

  • Duck Crossing: Our newest addition to the Arena, Duck Crossing is a multiplayer strategy game which requires planning and patience. Each player controls a duck, and the goal of the game is to move your duck from one end of the pond to the opposite end.
  • New Theme Items: You’ll have the perfect play place for your pets with our newly-revamped “Kids” Theme, which is replacing the old Kids Theme that will now be retired to the Curio Shop.
  • New Superbed: Sitting atop an atlas, touched up with a telescope, and finished with a flashlight, the Explorer Adventures Bed is a wonder of Webkinz World!
  • Bug Fixes: We’ve fixed a few bugs around Webkinz World as well, including the Silver Key freezing issue in the Magical Forest.

Keep your eyes peeled here on Webkinz Newz and on the Kinzville Times newspaper in Webkinz World for even more details about the new content in the coming days. What do you think of this new update? Let us know in the comments!

570 Responses to Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

  1. pianoplayerA says:

    I think a beach is a good idea. A buffet would also be a good idea. I also think there should be a swimming pool somewhere.

  2. Veronica says:

    I would love a webkinz WHITE squirrel! I have a grey squirrel and I also want a brown squirrel. Please my my ndreams come true and make these.

    White squirrel:
    Item: white ballgown
    food: white chocolate nuts

    Brown squirrel:
    Item: acorn dreams bed
    Food: acornapple pies

  3. Dogs101 says:

    dear webkinz when the super bowl comes can the members of webkinz world have a super bowl and the deluxe members that want to go to the webkinz stadium and sign up to play

  4. Corgigirl says:

    I definetly want more T.V shows and channels — I’d love a fashion show, news channel, sports channel, and more scheduled shows. Maybe a T.V schedule that tells when certain shows are. You could have five different channels each with their own series of shows. Maybe three shows per channel? That’d be WAY cool!

  5. Dogs101 says:

    dear Ganz i realy want you to bring back the german shepard it was so cute but exactly when I got enough money to buy it it got retired.

  6. MistyFox78 says:

    Hello, WebkinzSGS7!
    I really like all of your ideas! I LOVE the idea about the Webkinz Ragdoll Cat!! And please Ganz, don’t retire Zingoz Bounce! It’s one of my favorite games in the Arcade!

  7. WebkinzSGS7 says:

    Please GANZ, make a Webkinz Ragdoll Cat! They’re so cute!! Also, I love Duck Crossing! And Jumbleberry Fields and Polarberry Jam! And please don’t get rid of Zingoz Bounce! It’s one of my favorite games! And, please make a Diamond Dragon! It can be e-store or plush, I don’t mind. Here’s some pets:
    Diamond Dragon
    Special Item: Sparkling Diamond Sofa
    Special Food: Sparkling Souffle

    Special Item: Hay Bale Bed
    Special Food: Hay Hamberger


  8. Homes X says:

    Cool thoughts. Webkinz you should do those stuff she mentioned (i think). I also think this would be nice to see.
    Webkinz Pets
    1.Boykin spaniel (dog)
    2.Snoeshoe (cat)
    New trip spots (resorts)
    1.Kinzville Resort
    2.Jungle Resort
    3.Ski Resort

  9. Homes X says:

    Hello. It’s diffrent there’s who’s commenting name is from some NFL team very cool. Ok anyways . . . . i think you should bring back the old dock you used to have. I loved it! It would be nice to see it. Thank you-

    Ps: I like the old Wshop design, too.

  10. go vikes you did it !!!!!!!!!! says:

    thare should be like a kinzville bank ware you could deposit kinzcash cause i have a lot and need to do something with it ! anybody agree with me ?

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