Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

We’ve got a big Webkinz World update today, with a brand new game and some brand new items. Here’s some of the fresh content new to Webkinz World today:

  • Duck Crossing: Our newest addition to the Arena, Duck Crossing is a multiplayer strategy game which requires planning and patience. Each player controls a duck, and the goal of the game is to move your duck from one end of the pond to the opposite end.
  • New Theme Items: You’ll have the perfect play place for your pets with our newly-revamped “Kids” Theme, which is replacing the old Kids Theme that will now be retired to the Curio Shop.
  • New Superbed: Sitting atop an atlas, touched up with a telescope, and finished with a flashlight, the Explorer Adventures Bed is a wonder of Webkinz World!
  • Bug Fixes: We’ve fixed a few bugs around Webkinz World as well, including the Silver Key freezing issue in the Magical Forest.

Keep your eyes peeled here on Webkinz Newz and on the Kinzville Times newspaper in Webkinz World for even more details about the new content in the coming days. What do you think of this new update? Let us know in the comments!

570 Responses to Update: What’s New in Webkinz World

  1. Starr says:


    I was wondering what happened to Tabby von Meow? I can’t see her anymore! Also, P.J talks WAAAY to much!

    No offense meant. I hope that T von Meow returns!

    P.S The game duck crossing is boring because it takes too long.

  2. awesomegurlie says:

    The peace puppy is coming out in march! I am so happy it’s like the best webkinz EVER thank you GANZ!!!!!!!!!

  3. Cmc says:

    A wheel of the day with no kinzcash sounds like a great idea! I ALWAYS get only 20 Kinzcash on the Wheel of Wow and it’s getting so annoying! The rare wheel is also a good idea though I don’t really care for rare items.

  4. Cmc says:

    These are some ideas that my brother thought up for the campground that Laratheslueth suggested:

    There should be a hiking trail where there’s a minigame (that is NOT Daily Only) where you spot animals. Here’s how the scores would go:
    Armadillos get you three points.
    Common species of birds get you one point.
    Frogs get you two points.
    A group of baby frogs get you one point.
    Hawks get you ten points.
    Eagles get you fifteen points.
    Turkeys get you five.
    Small pond turtles get you five points.
    The hike is determined by Easy, Medium, and Hard modes. In easy, the hike is about one minute. Critters are easy to spot. In Medium, the hike is extended by thirty seconds. Critters are a bit harder to see, but you can see rarer animals. In hard, the hike is two minutes long, critters are harder to see still, but you can see eagles and hawks and such. You receive 1 Kinzcash for every 20 points.

    Instead of a swimming pool, there’s a lake, so you don’t have to worry about chlorine, which would turn frogs white, harm the fish, and possibly effect the health of the dogs and cats. And a birdbath for the birds.

  5. Rachel says:

    I definitely agree with Homes X. PJ Collie talks way too much! No offense Webkinz gang (or anyone else), but when PJ Collie talks, the words get in the way, and I can`t see what I want to buy. By the way, T-von has a newer look? Oh, and when I go to the Employment Office (I think this is the name of it) in Webkinz World, I don`t see T-von anymore. Can someone please tell me why?

  6. Rachel says:

    Yeah, It WOULD be nice to have both Kid`s Themes in the Wshop. And YES, the new Kid`s Theme is more stylish than the older Kid`s Theme. I like when there are new themes in the Wshop, too! It`s so exciting when there are new stuff in the Wshop! I would like more clothes and accessories in the Kinzstyle Outlet, though. Thanks for replying, `Homes X`!

  7. lanecutebug says:

    there should be a resycle thing in webkinz world. like the food and money and clothes. it could help people in webkinz world that dont have enough kinscash to by stuff that you would have now. it also makes you understand that this poor kins cash stuff and helping people that cant afored things can be in real life. so,its just like saving the inviorment in a virtual world. it makes you sombody. so,if you would like to be some onethat REALY cares, please agree. do it in real life join to make a diffrencs.

  8. lanecutebug says:

    i think that we should have more new things because with what we have now, its just so old. nothing random can be pulled out of the box. everything just has to match every thing. we should just have like a contest on if we would just say yes or no to so matched upd or we could just go with the flow and leave all that hard organized stuff behind. please ccomment.

  9. lanecutebug says:

    i totaly disagree. there should totaly be an Eshop. besides, we need more webkinz to full the whole webkinz univers with more than it has now. not to brag we just need somthing new.

  10. brookes says:


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