Visit Daisy’s Diner!


Have you been to Daisy’s Diner in the Webkinz Clubhouse yet? Stop by for a visit and click on Daisy to sample some of her tasty vegetarian dishes!


Each day you’ll have to chance to try one of 12 delicious items, including Fuzzy Frozen Peach Yogurt, Honey Comb Sorbet and AvocaDoe Ice Cream, the 3 recipes she invented with Mr. Moo!


Here’s a look at the menu:





Feed Daisy’s Diner food to your pet as a unique snack or try to collect all 12!


Is your pet an aspiring chef? Jump behind the counter and help out Daisy by trying out the Super Chef Stove! Try adding 3 pieces of food to the stove from the W-Shop OR try adding 3 pieces of food you’ve made with a stove, sandwich maker or blender and see if you can discover a new SUPER secret recipe!



What is your favorite item on the menu? Please leave your comments below…


62 Responses to Visit Daisy’s Diner!

  1. ca10lu says:

    I wonder why they put up this article again. I remember that it was up a while back since my flutter pig is in the picture. I really enjoy going to the diner every day and getting the free food.

  2. abbydogpal225 says:

    Is it possible to craft any of the items on the menu?

  3. Lucillegould5 says:

    Ganz, want to make this a real restaurant??? I’m a vegan and still play webkinz.

  4. lovlyhorses4 says:

    I love the sweet potato pizza the best. I always say thanks and see you tomorrow to Daisy every day too. :-)

  5. kat6401 says:

    I love all her food! MMMMM

  6. cmsrockz1 says:

    I like them all I love visiting Daisy’s Diner. I made a Daisy Diner room. CMSROCKZ

  7. Ellen1970 says:

    I love to go to the Diner. I get free food everyday and the character in the Tinkerpunk Showroom gives food too!

  8. eunice says:

    this is kind of related, I put all of my daisy doe things in my mega fridge and when I came back it was all invisible!! also my mega stove and a few other items disappeared and my sister’s mega stove is not gone and they are expensive and I am bankrupt (tee hee I have a problem with buying rooms I have like 42)

  9. beaubo says:

    I have collected all of them. I still visit once a week. The strawberry salad.

  10. winterwarriorwolf says:

    I really like Daisy Doe’s food (: It’s really cool. And I like how it gives a description of everything like a real menu! I’ve never had an actual peach, but I’ve had peach frozen yogurt and it’s pretty good! I love the stove, too!! Can’t wait to get cooking (:

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