Visit Sophie in the Countryside Cottage Showroom


Hi Friends!
Come see me, Sophie Stockwell, in the brand new Clubhouse Room featuring the Countryside Cottage Theme!


In this new room you can cook over the fire, play in the kitchen, relax on the sofa and there is even a rocking chair you can hang out on!


Come say hello and I’ll give you a free Countryside Veggie each day!


If you look out the window, you will get a glimpse of the Countryside Cottage garden. There are lots of outdoor garden pieces that match this theme, including the Countryside Cottage Garden Path, Countryside Cottage Fence, Gate, Pond and Veggie Garden.  With this theme you may make your very own Cottage Garden too! All of the pieces of this theme may be found at the Ganz eStore.


I hope you have as much fun designing your rooms with this new theme as I do!



78 Responses to Visit Sophie in the Countryside Cottage Showroom

  1. MidnightLuna says:

    Lord of The Rings and the Hobbit anyone? *Starts singing the theme*

  2. doingmydailies says:

    I am obsessed with this room theme! I haven’t actually seen it in person or bought it, but now that we can see it in the Clubhouse, I can decide for sure if I want it or not. Yay! :D

    • doingmydailies says:

      I’m 99.9% sure that I want it though. Oh, I am so in love with it! <3 Here's my sad attempt at making a heart!

    • 4CheeseTortellini says:

      Hey, doingmydailies! I am, too! The Countryside Cottage Theme is definitely one of my favourite eStore themes – I love how detailed and realistic it is, and it’s so cozy-looking! If you want to make a ♥ like this one, press and hold down your “Alt” key, and then press “3″ on your numeric keypad (The section of numbers on the right-hand side of your computer keyboard) – Good luck :o)

  3. NED1998 says:

    how many kinds of Countryside Veggies are there ?

  4. blindfold11201 says:

    This Room is the most lovable and relaxing of all. Everything is placed so your eyes just follow from one item to another. A beautiful, yet cozy place to live.

  5. Catqueen2014 says:

    Hey Ganz, just wondering, can you do more new items that aren’t for e-store points? My parents won’t let me buy any and my monthly deluxe points aren’t working. Also, can you please, PLEASE put the webkinz superfan theme back out for a while? I know you’ve released retired themes again for short amounts of time in the past! Thanks

  6. LabLover2014 says:

    Umm, I hate to be a bother, but Webkinz, you might want to fix the advertisement on the side bar on Webkinz for the hidden Ganz eStore promo. It reads, “There’s a new secret suprpise to be found!” You might want to fix that or hope English freaks like myself don’t notice. Not trying to criticize, just trying to be a helpful member of the community!

    • GoGanz24 says:

      When someone pointed that out on facebook, Ganz congratulated them on noticing and told them that was actually a clue to help you find the surprise. So it’s supposed to be like that.

  7. meownelly06 says:

    I’ve got three different veggies in the past four days since i already knew. Still it’s awesome! If you go to the Kinz airport you can click on the vending machine and get gummy luggage! Thank you Ganz for these cool room you make!

  8. lovlyhorses4 says:

    The veggies are so nice. I like a lot of this theme too.

  9. Chocolate55 says:

    sally, just wondering, when will we be able to move and remove rooms? thanks!

  10. 1Emerald1 says:

    WOW! Dave & Mark the artists outdid themselves on this one! That wallpaper is fantastic! I absolutely love how the outdoor pieces are what you see through the window! Guys, really, this is absolutely outstanding!

    • Beckinz8 says:

      I totally agree! That wallpaper is amazing! The artists added so many cute and charming little details. There’s even a flower and vase on the window seat – so adorable! Thanks for all your hard work, and for sharing your tremendous talent! And Sophie, thanks for all of the fresh veggies!

      • 1Emerald1 says:

        The flowers on the outdoor pieces even match some of the flowers in the WShop and the wildflowers we got from the floating chocolate eggs this year, it’s awesome! I feel a serious case of garden design frenzy descending upon me, I hope I survive!

        • Beckinz8 says:

          You can do it ~1Emerald1~! I personally usually seem to struggle more with the outdoor rooms than I do with the indoor ones. I only have 2 that I’m pretty happy with. I want to figure out how to do it, and send in some pictures of my room designs. I love looking at all of the creative ideas that everyone else comes up with. Maybe some people would like my designs too.

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            Definitely, send ‘em in! I’d love to see your designs & so would everyone else on here! Variety is indeed the spice of life & I so enjoy seeing everyone’s creative & different ideas! Seriously, Beckinz8, send Michael your screen shots!

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