Vote For a New Halloween Theme!


Hello again Webkinz Newz readers, Ella McWoof here with a special report! From Monday July 20 (10am) – Wednesday July 22 (noon) you’ll be able to vote for a new Halloween theme to be released in the W-Shop in October!


You’ll have 3 themes to choose from (see concept drawings below). Look over each concept drawing carefully because once the winning theme has been decided, the concept drawing will be used as inspiration for the rest of the items that will be included in the theme.


Here’s the concept drawing for the Haunted Hotel theme. The furniture in this theme would include items that you’d find in a spooky hotel lobby and ghostly hotel room including a front desk, creepy key rack and this haunted hotel lobby chair:



Next is the Freaky Forest theme. This theme would include items that you would see in a dark haunted forest including creepy looking trees, a gate, statue and this terrifying bench:



The third theme you have to choose from is the Trick or Treat? theme. This theme would include furniture that you’d find inside a cozy home that was decorated for Halloween including a candy bowl side table, rug, window and this colorful couch:



Don’t forget to vote right here on Webkinz Newz starting Monday July 20 at 10am. We won’t be limiting the amount of times you can vote so vote often if you have a favorite to win! Which of these themes would you like to see released in the W-Shop in October? Please leave your comments below…


250 Responses to Vote For a New Halloween Theme!

  1. nightsky14 says:

    The Forest is definitely my favorite. I have actually been wanting to make a forest theme for a REALLY long time. But these are all really cool, you did a great job Ganz! Thanks for doing this.

  2. jenniferobbijuly says:

    The Freaky Forrest would look good with the Toadstool Theme.

  3. RockRfox says:

    I like Trick or Treat best, because I’d like to decorate my living room for Halloween. I tried using stuff from last year’s Halloween theme, but it was a bit too much and needed its own room. I’d like a theme with pieces I could just put into my existing room to make it look Halloween-y. The forest one would be my 2nd choice.

    • treebabe says:

      I totally agree with you!!! I love the idea of a cute homey theme. I say no to the Freaky Forest because we’ve had so many scary themes in the past.

  4. fairy16flower says:

    Wow, these are all great themes! I’m going to have a hard time choosing a theme. I think I’ll vote for the Haunted Hotel theme, but I really like all the themes.

  5. nanabunny55 says:

    Oooooh, I love the freaky forest!

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Me too! SO COOL. They said gates, statue, and creepy trees, I can picture them. This theme sounds super awesome. My vote is definitely for the Freaky Forest theme! :D

    • snowylynx says:

      ya I have tons of outdoor items I have been wanting to use forever, and I bet I could work them in with the forest theme! thanks, these are great!!

  6. kylil4362 says:

    I love all of them, wow! But my favorite would probably have to be the Freaky Forest theme because that sounds like it’s going to be a really interesting idea.

  7. MandevillaRed says:

    Not THIS again! Remember last time? (shivers) But at least there’s only three! You guys should make the losing themes! Eventually! But this is hard. But, on further review, I’ve got to pick Trick or Treat!! It’s so cute!! And it makes me think of that Dumb Ways To Dir Holloween video…. XD Have a great day!

  8. tinygma says:

    I could use a Forest for a change ;)

  9. Fracktail says:

    I dunno about you guys, but that Haunted Forest one rocks my socks. We’ve never had a Halloween theme like it (the rest were all indoorsy), and freaky forests are the best. It’s the perfect combination of the natural and the creepy, and I love it! ALSO okay so maybe I’m biased because of the forest in the Wizard of Oz. BUT I STILL LOVE THE THEME.

  10. monkeyfun15 says:

    The “Tick or Treat? Theme” looks Cute! :D

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