Hello again Webkinz Newz readers, Ella McWoof here with a special report! From Monday July 20 (10am) – Wednesday July 22 (noon) you’ll be able to vote for a new Halloween theme to be released in the W-Shop in October!
You’ll have 3 themes to choose from (see concept drawings below). Look over each concept drawing carefully because once the winning theme has been decided, the concept drawing will be used as inspiration for the rest of the items that will be included in the theme.
Here’s the concept drawing for the Haunted Hotel theme. The furniture in this theme would include items that you’d find in a spooky hotel lobby and ghostly hotel room including a front desk, creepy key rack and this haunted hotel lobby chair:
Next is the Freaky Forest theme. This theme would include items that you would see in a dark haunted forest including creepy looking trees, a gate, statue and this terrifying bench:
The third theme you have to choose from is the Trick or Treat? theme. This theme would include furniture that you’d find inside a cozy home that was decorated for Halloween including a candy bowl side table, rug, window and this colorful couch:
Don’t forget to vote right here on Webkinz Newz starting Monday July 20 at 10am. We won’t be limiting the amount of times you can vote so vote often if you have a favorite to win! Which of these themes would you like to see released in the W-Shop in October? Please leave your comments below…
The Forest is definitely my favorite. I have actually been wanting to make a forest theme for a REALLY long time. But these are all really cool, you did a great job Ganz! Thanks for doing this.
Yeah, these are all great, but a Haunted Forest? UH, DUH! so cool.
The Freaky Forrest would look good with the Toadstool Theme.
yeah it would, and I will also use some of my fall items as well!
I like Trick or Treat best, because I’d like to decorate my living room for Halloween. I tried using stuff from last year’s Halloween theme, but it was a bit too much and needed its own room. I’d like a theme with pieces I could just put into my existing room to make it look Halloween-y. The forest one would be my 2nd choice.
I totally agree with you!!! I love the idea of a cute homey theme. I say no to the Freaky Forest because we’ve had so many scary themes in the past.
Wow, these are all great themes! I’m going to have a hard time choosing a theme. I think I’ll vote for the Haunted Hotel theme, but I really like all the themes.
Oooooh, I love the freaky forest!
Me too! SO COOL. They said gates, statue, and creepy trees, I can picture them. This theme sounds super awesome. My vote is definitely for the Freaky Forest theme! :D
ya I have tons of outdoor items I have been wanting to use forever, and I bet I could work them in with the forest theme! thanks, these are great!!
I love all of them, wow! But my favorite would probably have to be the Freaky Forest theme because that sounds like it’s going to be a really interesting idea.
Not THIS again! Remember last time? (shivers) But at least there’s only three! You guys should make the losing themes! Eventually! But this is hard. But, on further review, I’ve got to pick Trick or Treat!! It’s so cute!! And it makes me think of that Dumb Ways To Dir Holloween video…. XD Have a great day!
i’m afraied so MandevillaRed,
I could use a Forest for a change ;)
Everything in the past was indoor and I know the forest items can also be indoor but it could be AWESOME for a change !!
Yeah that would be great! But.. is it just me or does that log have a face? The first time I looked at it I saw an eye and a mouth! Lol.
Hey, I didn’t notice that! That’s pretty cool. Maybe they could do more stuff like that (like maybe have a dead and hollow tree with holes to look like a giant face or something)!
yeah a forest awesome idea tinygma
I dunno about you guys, but that Haunted Forest one rocks my socks. We’ve never had a Halloween theme like it (the rest were all indoorsy), and freaky forests are the best. It’s the perfect combination of the natural and the creepy, and I love it! ALSO okay so maybe I’m biased because of the forest in the Wizard of Oz. BUT I STILL LOVE THE THEME.
I like the Freaky Forest as well! I also like the hotel one but the forest better. If Forest is way behind maybe I will use all votes for it but If it has a pretty good lead I still might use all my votes for it because of what happened last time.. Although I was rooting for Sweet Sixteen! Yay!
And I just now realized that the description says there’ll be a STATUUUE??? I hope it’s a gargoyle! That’d be cool. I wonder how a gargoyle Webkinz would look! I bet it’d be a great Halloween pet. It could be called the “Grim Gargoyle” or something, I don’t know.
Me too! Seems like we think alike Hhayes. Sweet Sixteen and the Freaky Forest are great! I Love this forest even more those. SO. COOL. I really hope this wins.
Me too, I think is the most interesting one…. I LOVE forests and I’d definatly LOVE a scary one. And that peace of wood is so green and interesting. I love Halloween.
I do too, and I am sure I can work the pieces into the Spook Park I already have started, maybe even expand to 2 plots with. Still, I like the Trick or Treat room too. It would be a nice change from the more creepy rooms that I already have. One for each of the creepy beds!
Lovin the haunted forest!!!
I’m with ya! this time I’m going to vote everyday!!!!!!
I dont like haunted forest…. it creeps me out!! I like trick or treat.
Haunted forest…I am in love with!!! However, second choice would be the Trick or Treat because it is cute!!!(:
Freaky Forest that is lol.
It’s hard to pick an entire theme from 1 item.
I also want the Freaky Forest theme to win, Please NO Deluxe items!
I like that one too
Count me in on this one too! We need some more outdoor themes, to offset the monotony. Besides, we have past items that will work fantastically with this, ie. haunted graves, our haunted builda trees, and the haunted house kits we received last year. I like the hotel theme ( again! ) but not as much as this one. That log is soooo spooky! BOO! Gotcha! :>
Love the freaky forest idea. I love Halloween and even have one WK account devoted to Halloween only!
I sooooooooo agree!!! The Haunted Forest for sure sounds awesome!!! We have so many Halloween Room theme items, outside items would be sweet!!!
The “Tick or Treat? Theme” looks Cute! :D
I agree. I like the trick or treat theme.
oh! i love them all! can’t we have all of them? especially would like some of the spooky woods things. but the haunted hotel is creepy and elegant and the trick or treat theme is sooo cute! can’t we please have them all?
Yes all of them Webkinz!
I think that the Freaky Forest theme looks cool. I am probably going to vote for that. isn’t it a little bit early to be thinking about Halloween? maybe not for §. They probably have already started getting ready for October activities.They must be busy! :)
I love them all too!! I know this update has been a lot of work, but I choose D) ALL OF THE ABOVE!! C;
Me too! I really like then all.
I love voting on WebkinzNewz! These themes are so fun, but will probably pick the Freaky Forest theme! *~Warriors2002~*
I agree Wycklyn, I want them all too!
I agree , I too LOVE them all!!! not to be greedy … but why can’t we have them all?!!?!
all of them!
Hahaha! That’s an idea, but it rather defeats the purpose of having us vote on one! Besides, with all of the work they are doing on the X launch it would be too much extra effort to ask them to do 3 new themes. 1 new theme will be enough work all by itself. (Although they do have a Cracker Jack art team)
Yeh. That’s the only one i like…
I like how it is so colorful.
I like the freaky forest thee and the trick or treat theme
Trick or treat theme definitely
Halloween???????????? W-why HALLOWEEN?????????
Dear §, Thanks for all that you have done these past few days. I have seen a lot of stuff change and some I like… No. Love and others I wished would not have changed. Earlier this morning I read my pet’s request and remembered what I said in that one podkinz….” I really love webkinz” I know that my pets loves me too! I know they would be sad and hungry XD if I left webkinz. Back before I was a full member or deluxe member I only had Naruto. I always thought of him as my BFF. Whenever I was sad I would play webkinz and it would cheer me up! Every day I would care for him, give him a bath, brushed his teeth, and comb his fur. Then around my birthday I got Ino and became a full member! I would do the same for her! After the 12th of September….I got Sasuke, Kang, Ten Ten, Neji……..and A lot more XD I tried too take care of them all but It was hard! So I kept them all at a hundred, and normally played on Naruto or Ino ( or the birthday pet ) ! I know it is probably hard for you too keep up with all these complaints! I’ll wait for you to fix this webkinz X Project and continue playing webkinz!
xD opps I accidently posted this one again……oh I want everyone to tell me why you love webkinz!!!!!!
Dear xmy9tailxkinz i love webkinz because i like chatting to my best friends. thats why i love webkinz. and you’re one of best friends.
you must be an anime fan! i am too, especially sword art online :)
Halloween is supposed to be in OCTOBER!!! It’s SUMMER!!
Don’t worry they’re not pulling a retail store stunt. They need us to vote now so that they have time to create the theme that’s chosen so that they will have it ready in time for Halloween in October. I imagine its a lot of work to graphically map out, design, light, test, and debug all of these objects.
Ikr? I’m not a big fan of halloween. I don’t think I’ll vote for this theme.
I agree. The other possible Halloween themes kinda freak me out.
Yeah i know Halloween is a little creepy!!
I want the Trick or Treat?, It is so cool. I do not like the others
I am really not voting this time, I don’t have a favorite or own any of the themes and the timber wolf is not participating this time so it’s up to you.
Gotta say, i like the haunted hotel the best. The trick or treat one is good too though. But, i probably like the haunted hotel because i want to LIVE in a haunted hotel… XD
I love the Trick or Treat theme, it makes Halloween seem fun and not creepy! The couch looks really comfy, I could see my Pumpkin Pup Autumn, chilling out on the cute sofa! I vote Trick or Treat theme! 100% But I would like to see more designs for the Freaky Forest theme, because it sounds cool, but the log thing really isn’t working for me….. Never mind, it’s a bench, Who Would Have Guessed?
Really? I personally thing the Trick Or Treat? theme looks kinda tacky. I like the Haunted Hotel theme, followed by the Haunted forest one, I could make a killer (pun intended) haunted yard with that one! *****MidnightQueen*****
The Trick or Treat theme looks cute! I will definitely vote for that theme! :)
I like the trick or treat! it’s cute
Hahaunted theme totally
HAUNTED FOREST ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love your anime names by the way, xmy9tailxkinz!!
FREAKY FOREST!!!! Wow that’s the PERFECT theme for me!!!! :D
Yeah I like the trick or treat the best. I’m not keen on a haunted hotel, because I’d rather have a regular hotel theme first. But that’s just me. Can’t wait to vote! ☺§
I know right? I’m trying to decide if I want the Trick or Treat? or Haunted Hotel theme.
Ikr, I totally <3 it! I've always liked patchwork-y looking Halloween stuff like that; looks like something out of those Winnie the Pooh Halloween specials I used to watch. Classic Halloween cute! ^_^ <3
Oh no, now Webkinz has got me getting hyped about Halloween 3 months too early! ^^._.^^ ( <- that's my attempt at a bat face with wings, in case you're wondering. :P) xD
We don’t celebrate Halloween, but I think the freaky forest would be a good idea!
The trick or trick theme is my favorite.
I like Trick or Treat theme
I like the trick or treat theme it is adorable! Fall is my favorite time in webkinz world :) look forward to voting and a new theme :)
I think they are all fun, but i especially like the haunted hotel or creepy forest! Wouldn’t be great if the themes that don’t win, there could be a few of those items to purchase in the GanzWorld store? I have alot of Moneyz but new items to buy would be fun? Hey, everyone, what do you think about that?
I agree 100% It’s not scary at all. I HATE scary things. I always have. But I’m not afraid of Thriller or Ghosts. That’s not scary at all. I like Halloween a lot, and this theme feels like Halloween as a child for me. Speaking of Halloween, I’m gonna be Michael Jackson from Bad! :)
there have been no side tables for Halloween for the past couple of years. I love side tables, so will have to go for the trick or treat theme, just not a fan of the couch..sigh
Definitely, I’m totally voting for that! i just hope not too much is Deluxe
Oh my gosh, Freaky Forest? I think yes.