Vote For a New Halloween Theme!


Hello again Webkinz Newz readers, Ella McWoof here with a special report! From Monday July 20 (10am) – Wednesday July 22 (noon) you’ll be able to vote for a new Halloween theme to be released in the W-Shop in October!


You’ll have 3 themes to choose from (see concept drawings below). Look over each concept drawing carefully because once the winning theme has been decided, the concept drawing will be used as inspiration for the rest of the items that will be included in the theme.


Here’s the concept drawing for the Haunted Hotel theme. The furniture in this theme would include items that you’d find in a spooky hotel lobby and ghostly hotel room including a front desk, creepy key rack and this haunted hotel lobby chair:



Next is the Freaky Forest theme. This theme would include items that you would see in a dark haunted forest including creepy looking trees, a gate, statue and this terrifying bench:



The third theme you have to choose from is the Trick or Treat? theme. This theme would include furniture that you’d find inside a cozy home that was decorated for Halloween including a candy bowl side table, rug, window and this colorful couch:



Don’t forget to vote right here on Webkinz Newz starting Monday July 20 at 10am. We won’t be limiting the amount of times you can vote so vote often if you have a favorite to win! Which of these themes would you like to see released in the W-Shop in October? Please leave your comments below…


250 Responses to Vote For a New Halloween Theme!

  1. kin2832 says:

    Love the haunted hotel theme!!!:)

  2. mypmyp says:

    I love all of these!! How about you just release all three this year? XD

  3. rubyrudolph2318 says:

    I really like the Trick or Treat theme the best because it is cute Halloween and not scary Halloween. I really like all the themes but the Trick or Treat theme the best.

  4. NarnianHeart says:

    I don’t celebrate Halloween, so I’ll probably vote for the Freaky Forest theme. Maybe some of the pieces could be used in a fairytale/enchanted forest room too. :)

  5. Dirtracerk27 says:

    I would say the Trick or Treat? theme…

  6. fisher420wk says:

    freaky forest wins my vote for sure

  7. sewnina143 says:

    I like them in the following order: 1. Haunted Hotel 2. Freaky Forest 3. Trick or Treat

  8. TheMamaDragon says:

    I really like the Haunted Hotel and Freaky Forest, wish we could have both!

  9. internet says:

    the trick or treat theme would be awesome! if this wins, will u make beds too? also, with webkinz x, i was thinking of making a water park. could u mabey do something like that too? thanks.

  10. NWestern_RocknRollFan says:

    Trick or treat looks really whimsical and cute- I like it for the purpose if I were to create a Halloween Lounge for my pets that’s more of a cozy place to hang out- like I did with the previous Christmas theme. But of the other two, I gotta say the forest theme looks really neat too!

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