Vote For Our Next Room Theme!


Hello again Webkinz Newz readers, Ella McWoof here with a special report! From Monday June 6th (starting at 10am)  – Wednesday June 8th (ending at noon) you’ll be able to vote for a new room theme that will be released in the W-Shop for KinzCash!


You’ll have 3 themes to choose from (see concept drawings below). Look over each concept drawing carefully because once the winning theme has been decided, the concept drawing will be used as inspiration for the rest of the items that will be included in the theme.


The first one you’ll have to choose from is the “It’s Fun to be Young” theme. This theme would have bright, colorful pieces of furniture that would be found in a kid’s bedroom. The walls and floors will be neutral colors but there will be specific “boy” AND “girl” themed items included in this theme:



Next is the “Outdoor Living” theme. This theme would feature pieces of furniture from an “outdoor living room” including high-end patio furniture with modern accents and colors:



Your third and final choice will be the “Hotel” theme. This theme would have bright, colorful furniture that would be found in a hotel lobby, restaurant, and hotel room. Here’s a look at the concept drawing for the Hotel Lobby Chair:



Don’t forget to vote for your favorite room theme from June 6th –  June 8th (ending at noon). Click on the Room Theme Vote article that will be posted on June 6 to cast your vote!


Which theme will you be voting for? Please leave your comments below…


This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz!


248 Responses to Vote For Our Next Room Theme!

  1. agent4399 says:

    I will vote for the hotel theme

  2. Michaela2007 says:

    I love all three but I think my favorite is “It’s Fun To Be Young!”

  3. WobbalyKitty says:

    I think the Outdoor Living looks really cool!

  4. zekemon2 says:

    It’s fun to be young theme looks like fun!

  5. Sparky1109 says:

    Ooh, I love the idea of a hotel theme, but a patio also sounds amazing!

  6. MACS1 says:

    My memory is really bad but…. there’s something in the back of my mind… voting for room themes… was a hotel theme a choice (it did not win, sweet 16 did). Am I just imagining this? Help, I’m going crazy…

  7. RandomName2014 says:

    I’ll vote for ANY as long as they’re not just for Deluxe members. I’d love to have any of these!

  8. monar says:

    I like that owl chair. It is cute and so bright. I don’t think I care for the outdoor living theme. The hotel theme is elegant. I wouldn’t mind having a nice room and some extra pieces from that theme for other rooms. I think I am going to vote for the hotel room theme please.

  9. wolf246 says:

    Ohh this is really hard Ganz I like the concept drawing for the Fun To Be Young theme but I dont know if the rest of it would be cool. I like the Hotel theme but I just ehh.But I really like the Outdoor Living theme the most

  10. gadspets says:

    Of what I am seeing, I love the looks of the Hotel theme! It has my vote!

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