Wacky Items are Everywhere!

Wacky Items are Everywhere!

Did you miss these items the first time they were offered? Not only are they back for a limited time between March 2 and March 4, they are also on SALE!


Webkinz Green Puffer Vest Webkinz Lucky Shamrock Trampoline Webkinz Puffer Vest
Gum Fall Slide Bountiful Bubble Blower Wide Wheels Motorcycle

Other items available for this event include the Floating School Desk, Snowball Throwing Snowman, Out of Control Pie Maker as well as the NEW Tornado Closet Disorganizer!

You can find these items and many more all at Ganz eStore!
Items for the Wacky Webkinz World Event will be available until 11:59pm March 4, 2011 (EST).

26 Responses to Wacky Items are Everywhere!

  1. lexi1219 says:

    I think that the items are really cool. But i dislike that they are only for eStore. Here is an idea. If you have 500 kinzcash, i think it should be able to be spent on estore points. It should be about 500 KC for 10 Points. Thay way, everyone can have eStore points! I love everything you can buy, and i am sure eveyone loves this idea.

  2. bud says:

    cool Bountiful Bubble Blower!

  3. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol says:

    lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

  4. HamsterFan says:

    I totally agree with you Wynry. It is a big waist of money. I can get webkinz because they are stuffed animals and a game thing. But estore is a waist of your money cause it is just a picture on a computer screen. If it was free estore points then it would be cool but since it costs money its not fair.

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