Wacky Items are Everywhere!

Wacky Items are Everywhere!

Did you miss these items the first time they were offered? Not only are they back for a limited time between March 2 and March 4, they are also on SALE!


Webkinz Green Puffer Vest Webkinz Lucky Shamrock Trampoline Webkinz Puffer Vest
Gum Fall Slide Bountiful Bubble Blower Wide Wheels Motorcycle

Other items available for this event include the Floating School Desk, Snowball Throwing Snowman, Out of Control Pie Maker as well as the NEW Tornado Closet Disorganizer!

You can find these items and many more all at Ganz eStore!
Items for the Wacky Webkinz World Event will be available until 11:59pm March 4, 2011 (EST).

26 Responses to Wacky Items are Everywhere!

  1. Wynry. says:

    Ganz has to make money some how but still I agree. I think the Estore is a bit unfair to kids(like me)who’s parents don’t like spending real money on something that’s just animated.

    • pixie says:

      If those items are such a waste then why do so many people complain about the estore, because they want it? Not only kids play webkinz, for teens/adults that don’t play with dolls anymore the Estore is a great place to buy items. It’s no more a waste then any other kind of entertainment. I don’t get to take the movie home when I go to the movies. At least with this I can enjoy it daily! So try to look at from others prespective please.

  2. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    It says Wacky Items are everywhere, well excuse me but they aren’t everywhere they are only at ganz estore. :(

  3. americangirllover says:

    thoae items are way cool too bad theyre 4 estore

  4. Zike says:

    I haven’t been on much over the summer, so maybe that’s why I didn’t see the Tornado Closet and the Motorcycle. The closet looks really cool though.

  5. Mudstar says:

    The Tornado Closet looks like my closet. Sad, isn’t it? XD

  6. GIRLS RULE says:


  7. Scottiedog says:

    Love the motorcycle and the closet. To bad they are eStore point items. And why can’t you trade eStore items OR send them to people???

    • Mudstar says:

      I think it’s because people try to scam kids out of their items by saying things like,”I’ll send it to you Kinzpost”. Ganz probably does that so people don’t call asking for another item. I personally am glad that Ganz does that since I don’t know how many times I’ve dragged the wrong item onto the Trading Table or Kinzpost. But too bad these items are eStore!

    • vjr2000 says:

      I agree! I don’t really like estore because you just have to keep your stuff and its costs real money. I love the too cool baggy jeans and ball cap set but I don’t want to buy it……I would love it if they can trade it!

    • Mudstar says:

      I think they do that because lots of people try to scam kids out of items in the Trading Room by saying things like, “I’ll send it to you later Kinzpost,” but never do. Parents probably don’t want their kid to trade/send a item they payed real money for. But I wish you could trade the Newzapoolza items. I have no use for them! XD Well, maybe Halloween costumes…

  8. elizbelle1 says:

    I think that others who cant go on the estore its not fair.I cant go on the estore but i still want to do these things.

  9. Natalie says:


    • Down by the Bay says:

      Does anyone have a spare set of drums from that new hopping pet! I really wanted to participate but because I live somewhere else I couldn’t! PLEASE SEND ME DRUMSET SOMEONE!
      my user name in all capital letters: EEEXW991

      • nancydrew1924 says:

        Hello! I would be glad to give the drum set to you but… If you want it you have to trade for it. My user name it the title up top. So what is your best piece of clothing or item?

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