Hello Webkinz Newz readers… Ella McWoof here with a special sneak peek of more items for this year’s Halloween theme: the Freaky Forest!
Do you have a name suggestion for any of these items? The final names have yet to be chosen so please leave your ideas in the comments section below.
Did you miss my sneak peek article that showed off the first three Freaky Forest items? CLICK HERE to read the post!
Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of items that will be included in this theme! This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz…
Halloween is my most favorite holiday!! I absolutely love the new items! Cant wait to decorate with all of these items!! They are BOO-tastic!! Im gonna name my room Midnight Gardens.
The grass tile doesn’t look much different from the one that’s available now. :S I expected it to be more… creepy. Weedy, overgrown, brown with some undergrowth. Something.
Yeah, right? I was thinking the same thing..
I’m with you
agreed….grass tile is a bit diappointing
I think that the grass could use some mushrooms and maybe some bugs.
I like these items, but I don’t have good names… Gloomy glowing wall, night owl perch, haunted hollow log, and deadly dry grass patch. They’re kind of like “duh” names, though.
I agree emiemi, these are really cool concept drawings, but i was hoping they would more ominous. I would love to see some animation on some of the ideas, such as the owl’s face could transform into an evil grimace, the log (besides the glowing eyes) could have an creepy arm & hand reaching out to grab you as you walk by, also previously i mentioned the town sign rotating around and switching up the names to more creepy ones! Please also include a scary nighttime wallpaper to complete the theme! Super Cool Ganz!
I think the log should be called the Haunted Hollow Log. The owl should be called the Spooky Owl Totem Pole.
Names for the Pillar: Freaky Flyer Pillar, Ever Watchful Pillar, Purple Phantom Pillar. Namers for the Floor Tile: Magical Mushroom Floor Tiles, Haunted Hollows Floor tiles, Bellowing Winds Floor Tiles. Names for the Log Bench: Peeking Eyes Log. Midnight Mystery Log. Rotting Wood Log. :)
Whispering hollow log. Who goes there post.
The floor tile, Hallowed Ground or Mysterious surroundings, the log, spine chilling hide out, the owl perch WHOOs there, and the fence Earthly Hedge
I think a lot of the items are little too purple, but that’s okay everything is still really cool!
Well, they have to keep the color scheme consistent. It’d be a little eye-hurty if they were all different colors, haha!
I love the violet accents. They were work so well. Also, for names, I’m thinking Freaky Forest Floor Tile, Dragon Head Log, Wickedly Whimsy Log, Ghoulish Glowing Pillar, Vile Violet Brick Wall. Or something like that. ;)
emiemieimiemiemi I think the purple is to give it a night time glow and eerie ambiance. panda68842
I don’t know why I hit submit I was not finish saying panda68842 I like the names you came up with.
That is to give it the dark glow of night :)
There are some new great items!!! Maybe the owl is too purple, but the other ones are simply awesome. For the wall Deep Purple Wall, for the tile Deceptively Sinking Swamp Tile and for the owl Lonely Harbinger Stone Owl.
I, also, think too much purple; makes it kinda hard to see them clearly. I preferred the grey cast of the earlier drawings. I also liked the earlier log much more, it was waaaayyy scarier! I can’t think of a single catchy name, for any of them! Just blank!
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. I was hoping it would be a gray with maybe a little blue-ish glow. Oh well!
i agree to much purple.
purple is my favorite color!!! I think everything is way cool. :)
To me, the purple reminds me of the Disney Channel movie, “Descendants”
i dont know why i am doging this i posted in the drawings but the log should be a the lurking log.the wall should be envy ivy wall.the grass tilde should be the molding monster mushroom patch.the owl should be name out looking owl post. also read my name in the frist three things!
These items are amazing!
Hm. I don’t like these nearly as much as the concept art.
For the owl column: Stony Glare Column, Glowing Glare Column. For the Grass Tile: Monstrous Poison Mushroom tile. For the Log: Worm-Wood Log, Chastising Chopped Tree. For the wall: Poison Ivy Wall, Viper Vines Wall… Hmm… I don’t really have any good names for that wall! :o
I would call the owl post the Always Watching Post and I would shorten down the tile to be the Molding Mushroom Patch, but I really like the Lurking Log and the Envy Ivy Wall. Good names panda68842!
Freaky Forest Rotting Log, Freaky Owl Column, Freaky Forest Wall, and Freaky Forest Floor Tile – because if they say “Freaky Forest” (or just “Freaky”) they’ll all stay together in our docks.
+1 on this. Convenience > punny names, for me.
Objectively, this is true, but I have such a debilitating weakness to puns that I don’t even mind if they’re all over the place. :P
Oh my gosh, puns are life, Fracktail. Even though I MUST admit that putting “Freaky” in front of every name might make it easier to find in our dock. However, maybe we can say “Freaky” and then put our punny names?
me to!
The glowing owl post, owl’s lookout tower, ghostly pedestal, corrupted owl’s pedestal? Haunted hollow log, once-a-tree? Wall of glow, old haunted wall? Untended mushroom patch, dried grass patch, flowers of life? That’s all I really got……
webforever, Eerie Ivy Wall, Enchanted Owl Column, Halloween Haunted Log, Mushy Mushroom Patch
ya it’s hard to come up with these but the witching hour wall that’s all i got.
How about the Creepy Glowing Wall, Creepy Glowing Post, Sit if You Dare Log, and the Wet Mushrooms and Weeds Tile. How’s that? Today I get to go to HITS! (Horse-Shows in the Sun!) It’s family day and I get to go for free because HITS sponsors some soccer teams and my dad, the Commissioner of my soccer league, along with anyone else he invites, gets to go for free! I’ll be hanging out with my dad, mom, sister, friend and her dad in a VIP tent! With packed separate lunches! It’s gonna be AWE-some!
I LOVE these awesome Items!!!!! :D I’m really excited about the drawing contest too! :D
Hmm…for the owl one, I’d say Owl Hallow’s Eave Post (geddit???), for the log I’d say Rancid Rotting Redwood, for the wall I’d say Boo-tiful Brick Wall, and the grass area can be called Fun Guy Fungi Patch (because I think those things are mushrooms?).
I really like your name ideas! I also love how these items were designed. I actually think the purple color gives a more mysterious feel to it, and I can’t wait to see the rest of the theme!
For the owl column: Stony glare column :o
Okay, for the wall: Unearthly Ivy Stone Wall, for the owl I like: Screech Owl Post, for the log I think: Twisted Trunk Bench, and for the floor tile thingy, I think: Decomposing Duff. By the by, would we be able to place the river tiles over the floor tiles? Because otherwise it might be kinda hard to work them both in.
christian cow girl can you friend me i think we get along great because im a christian too!
i think the owl should be freaky forest owl