We Want to Know: Favorite Part of Webkinz World

We want to know

Hi, everyone…. Ella here! We’re looking to hear from Webkinz World players, so here’s your chance to let us know what you think! Our next topic involves your favorite part of Webkinz World. Here’s the question:

We want to know

Excluding the house, Arcade and the W Shop, what is your favorite part or feature of Webkinz World?

We want to know

Let us know in the comments below!

333 Responses to We Want to Know: Favorite Part of Webkinz World

  1. elysebear123 says:

    I really like the Academy … although I wish the Strength activity worked better (not very responsive, so I can never finish to Level 10). I also like doing jobs, but having to wait 8 hours is a drag. The Park is fun … I like doing games while I wait FOREVER for trash to pick up (five minutes is a long time to wait). Do like the special rooms in the Clubhouse … the ones I can get a prize for visiting. Used to like going to the Island, but you took that away from full members. Tournaments are fun … better than contests (schedule to enter is too erratic). Going to find gems, making a Wish for special items, and answering daily or calendar questions is something I do everyday. Almost forgot I look for Stars, Zums, and Fairies everyday !!!

  2. Snipp says:

    The Trading Room is definitely my favorite! Some glitches though that need to be addressed.

  3. Morninglight says:

    I like to send mail and gifts I also love the challenges and miss visiting others rooms…

  4. Hawaii50 says:

    Adventure Park!!

  5. zoomycat says:

    Challenges, collection events & seasonal things. The event room in the clubhouse, the curio shop & adventure park vacation island.

  6. adownin says:

    I enjoy working on finishing collections. Everyday I visit the Curio Shop, Today’s Activities, Employment Office, Kinzville Academy, Kinzville Park, Magical Forest, Arcade, Wshop, Wish Factory, and Vacation Island. I wish the Egyptian and Kooky Scientist room theme would come back to the Curio Shop. I don’t know if I am missing it but I would like to see the “my pets” page show the number of webkinz that I have logged on. Lastly, DOCK ORGANIZATION; over the years there have been GREAT improvements, but I still find myself wishing that 1) I could sort by commodity (ex: tv, bed, fridge etc.) and that 2) I knew the total amount of what was in my dock. Thankyou!

  7. laughable921 says:

    I like the Kinzstyle outlet and the clothing machine, and the seasonal clothing is always fun to look out for. I enjoy the adventure park, especially when I have quests to do. I also like the clubhouse and the seasonal event rooms, and trading.

  8. Powerann says:

    Special events and challenges, most definitely!!

  9. PARKASUE says:

    1. I really like sending gifts to my friends on Webkinz, but I am disheartened that my friends who are Free Players are unable to send gifts as well. I would like it if perhaps on Deluxe Days where members can see the perks of being a Deluxe member that free members can send gifts on that day, even if it means they would have to pay Kinzcash for the wrapping and such.
    2. The trading room is wonderful. It would be cool if there was a different room for the different things you are wanting to trade. For instance, a rare item room, exclusive item room, clothing, food, room décor, and then a miscellaneous room for people who do not have a preference of what they trade and get back. It would be cool if there was a feature like a bulletin board where Webkinz can post the item they are wanting plus what they are willing to trade for it. I know that there is a forum like this on Webkinz Newz, but I think that would be cool if there was a virtual one on Webkinz. It would work perfectly if we still had My Pages.
    3. I love the Clubhouse as a whole but I wish rooms like the Runway Room could make a comeback. A spa room would also be cool or even a health room or a movie theatre for all Webkinz to watch a movie together.
    4. I really like the feature that allows us to be friends with Webkinz Hosts. I would enjoy if we had the chance to become friends with other characters as well, such as with Wacky, Quizzy, or Plumpy.
    5. Adventure Park is so cool! I really like how we have daily challenges to win prizes. I would like it if we could friend the characters from the park and that we could be given a different array of prizes every month or so just like the Wheel of Wow. It would even be cool if our Mazin Hamsters were given their own version of Adventure Park considering they used to have their own world.
    6. I like the Employment office as well, but wish there were a few brand-new job options every once in a while. Additionally, it would be cool if every once in a while that we had the opportunity to earn eStore points instead of Kinzcash.
    7. Lastly, I like Quizzy’s Corner. I love trivia and earning Kinzcash from it. It would be cool if we could have Quiz Bowl Teams, or just compete against other Webkinz on trivia and win trophies for this.

    (P.S. I wouldn’t mind more trophies, pins, floaty-clickies, video challenges, or event rooms. They are SO fun!!)

  10. memethyst says:

    my favorite thing is decorating rooms :)

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