We Want to Know: Favorite Part of Webkinz World

We want to know

Hi, everyone…. Ella here! We’re looking to hear from Webkinz World players, so here’s your chance to let us know what you think! Our next topic involves your favorite part of Webkinz World. Here’s the question:

We want to know

Excluding the house, Arcade and the W Shop, what is your favorite part or feature of Webkinz World?

We want to know

Let us know in the comments below!

333 Responses to We Want to Know: Favorite Part of Webkinz World

  1. ztubnnylaroc says:

    I like today’s activities, the Curio Shop and Employment Office the best, but there’s nothing that I don’t like about Webkinz World.

  2. clb says:

    I like the Curio Shop and the Employment Agency.

  3. starchic1010 says:

    I really enjoy the Kinzville Academy, daily activities, and collecting rare room themes from the Curio Shop.

  4. OakleyJerzy says:


  5. tkkac says:

    Zumwhere, Adventure Park and Curio Shop.

  6. barnkeeper says:

    Meeting friends in the Park every day.

  7. granma4 says:

    If you feed your pet items from your garden it fills up fast. 4 watermelon or 4 pumpkins will fill your pet up

  8. obvsamermaid says:

    I like collecting trash at the park. I just wish the trash popped up more frequently and that there were more prizes for doing it. Got a tshirt after I think 100 pieces??? I really like the features of WW that are aimed at conservation, recycling, environmental awareness, etc. Hope there can be more features in a similar vein soon!! :)

    • sadie1998 says:

      I love the trash collecting! I agree with you, I wish the pieces popped up more frequently. It can be difficult to collect them when the park is busy and there’s only a few pieces of trash. I wish there was a way where you could only see the pieces that appear on your screen, so everyone sees their own trash and has the ability to pick it up without fighting others for it. I feel like in a children’s game recycling should not be a competitive thing. Collecting trash shouldn’t mean preventing others from participating. Environmental awareness is for everyone, and should be made accessible to everyone, even the youngest kid who may have trouble clicking fast enough.

  9. maltese123 says:

    I really love Today’s Activities (especially balloon darts and wish token balloon darts), the Curio Shop, the Trading Room, Wish Factory, and Adventure Park. I would list everything in Webkinz World though :)

  10. nanakinz5 says:

    It’s a toss up between Kinzville Academy and Adventure Park.

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