We Want to Know – House Edition

We want to know

Hi, everyone…. Ella here! We’re looking to hear from Webkinz World players, so here’s your chance to let us know what you think! Our first topic involves your house in Webkinz World. Here’s the question:

We want to know

If you could add or improve three things about your pet’s house, what would they be?

We want to know

Let us know in the comments below!

678 Responses to We Want to Know – House Edition

  1. mommytoyou3 says:

    1. Search function! 2. Extra-large room 3. Multi-level wall hangings

  2. hannah5banana says:

    I would like to be able to move the doors, I would like to be able to put things high on the walls over the windows or door and the third thing I’d choose would be to be able to rotate floors and wallpaper for different views.

  3. hudzmom3 says:

    I would like to be able to cover our pets when they sleep. Thanks for asking

  4. ngeorgianow says:

    Change colors of rooms on map, search function, possibly the ability to overlap floor tiles or resize them: most of the grass tiles, for instance, are either a large size that are all the same or only a single tile

  5. cuddlyfur1 says:

    I can’t think of a lot, but the one thing I really want is a button that allows you to remove all the items from a room at once an put them in your inventory. I love the idea of smaller room sizes for outdoor and treetop rooms, and I always love more room items!

  6. christopherobs says:

    PLEASE ADJUSTABLE ROOM SIZES and BIGGER room sizes so that we can make long-ranging beautiful scenes. Please Ganz, Webkinz rooms are my canvas and I love to make art as gorgeous scenic designs, please allow the ability to adjust room size more than 10×10 so that we can build our own Adventure Parks!!!

  7. limegreenbabyqueen says:

    1. The ability to remove or move doors. 2. For outdoor rooms, the option to pic the season of the background or leave it to auto change if you want. 3. The ability to place items at an angle (kitty corner)….and actually an extra large “L” shaped room would be awesome!!

  8. rocketdogdolly2 says:

    1. The ability to remove or move doors. 2. For outdoor rooms, the option to pic the season of the background or leave it to auto change if you want. My outdoor winter/fall theme rooms just don’t look good in the spring/summer & vica versa. I love the outdoor looking wallpapers for inside rooms, but just not the same as an outdoor room. 3. The ability to place items at an angle (kitty corner).

    • jingles4 says:

      I agree rocketdogdolly2, I would like to place things kitty corner. I also agree with others about placing things closer or further apart. Thanks, Webkinz, for asking.

  9. sef62 says:

    Removing rooms and also estore items not wanted. Then layering, which we can do some of that now.

  10. Steppenwolf says:

    1. I would like to be able to delete rooms. I have some I don’t need and so they just sit there empty. 2. Some items that are labeled no sell/ trade I’d like to be able to sell or trade them because I have like five of the same item and I don’t even really want one of them. 3. This is more for the dock then the room but an ability to search for items by room theme. Because I have themes I know I bought items for, but it takes me forever to find them.

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