Webkinz Grey Owl – May’s Pet of the Month

377 Responses to Webkinz Grey Owl – May’s Pet of the Month

  1. hannah says:

    i really want a grey owl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want one so bad but i cant get one. ) : i just want a pet of the month it would be so cool to get one!!!!!! ( : if you want to be my friend on webkinz my username is naveypink!!!!!! ( :

  2. Allison says:

    I bought the owl and the pot bellied pig yesterday when I added the owl I got a wish token, Tons of kinzcash, 6 bonus spree rolls, nocturnal night lamp, dex dangerous telescope, and a car from the wish factory. It was my first time putting a POTM on there and I loved all the prizes I got. :)

  3. shania says:

    i want one its not fair

  4. JJ says:

    I whant a grey owl today. I need $ 8.00

  5. lauren says:

    i adopted the grey owl

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