Webkinz Grey Owl – May’s Pet of the Month

377 Responses to Webkinz Grey Owl – May’s Pet of the Month

  1. Webkinzkitty005 says:

    I just got the grey owl ordered from online and it got shipped today!!! Yaaay!!!!! But I have to wait till May to adopt it!

  2. Love him says:

    My mom told me tha mabe i can have it…My brother want it too!!!

  3. E says:

    I got it but I am waiting until May.

  4. serena says:

    can I have it for free! pppppppppllllleeeeeaaaaaaaasssssseeeee!

  5. sophie says:

    do you want to no my username its fuzface14 be my friend

  6. Livalu says:

    Whoot would not like the GRAY owl. I love it!

  7. maddy says:

    that owl is so awesome i like it a lot i want it

  8. izzy says:

    Sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

  9. annah says:

    that thing is so ugly…………………….JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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