Webkinz Grey Owl – May’s Pet of the Month

377 Responses to Webkinz Grey Owl – May’s Pet of the Month


    I LOVE owls i agree with all the people who love owls plus i HAVE the gray owl so… I think its a great idea!!!

  2. Sealeo299 says:

    Wow. That owl is awsome!!!!

  3. singelena says:

    Owls are cute:) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And when I say cute I meen really cute:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. owl fan says:

    it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute i love it

  5. Jimmy024 says:

    Did you know there is a grey owl contest? I entered it! Hope I win!

  6. hunter says:

    I have that grey owl he is my faverot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. lolipops13 says:

    the real life one looks evil. >:) the cartoon character looks sweet. :) weird

  8. Cassie says:

    Its okay… No Its not my favorite animal. Dogs are. But my brother would love it. I like getting pets of the month but my mom might not let me have it. Only because I have over 70 pets! I’m telling the truth, really!!! :D

  9. What if says:

    What if you already have a Grey Owl from like a year ago?????? Do you still get to do all the extra stuff even though you didn’t buy a new one???????????????

    • singelena or is 7 girl says:

      Well I think so or should I say Im not sure because I got the silverback gorilla and it was the pet of the month and I did not get anything:(
      Hope you find thia helpful What if:)!!!!
      Love singelena Good Luck! :)

  10. webbirdie says:

    i have one . its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soft and furry and i cannot wait till may and get a loot bag for it will be suprised . you gotta get one .

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