Webkinz History: A look back at the Webkinz Road Trip

Let’s cruise down memory lane in the coolest van ever!

As we celebrate 20 Years of Webkinz, we’re taking you down memory lane—in a Webkinz-tastic van! One of the most exciting events in Webkinz history was the Webkinz Road Trip, a cross-country adventure that brought the magic of Webkinz World directly to our amazing fans.

Back in 2010, we wanted to connect with Webkinz fans beyond the screen. That’s when we packed up our Webkinz van and spent the summer visiting gift stores, state fairs and special events across the United States.

From a real life Wheel of WOW to Hug-A-Pug dance-offs, the Webkinz Road Trips treated our fans and our staff to a wildly fun Webkinz experience complete with exclusive prizes and discounts on plush.

The Webkinz Road Trip continued into 2011 and 2012 and it was more than just an event—it was a celebration of the Webkinz community. While the official Road Trip has since retired, the memories and the community live on.
As we mark 20 years of Webkinz, we want to thank all the fans who joined us on this incredible journey—whether at a Road Trip event, in Webkinz Classic, or in Webkinz Next. Your enthusiasm and love for Webkinz are what keep this world so special.
Did you attend a Webkinz Road Trip event? Share your favorite memories in the comments below—we’d love to hear your stories!

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.


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56 Responses to Webkinz History: A look back at the Webkinz Road Trip

  1. 1chubbs1 says:

    Is anyone having trouble getting into Next. I have tried numerous times since 4:30. What is going on I was in early this morning no problem.

  2. smittenkitten420 says:

    I remember seeing it advertised and asking my mom about it but it wouldn’t have been possible because we didn’t live anywhere close, so cool seeing the old promotion material and pictures from the event I am glad so much of it remained online throughout the years!

  3. Zooooooz says:

    I remember seeing a Webkinz pet featured as a gift idea on a morning show years ago…there was also a TV ad! :)

  4. rachelgirl192 says:

    I wish I’d been there, it sounds amazing.

  5. babs1978 says:

    I was lucky enough to have the van come to my area, back then. It was great got to meet some wonderful people. I still remember the van it was right next to restaurant. My friend and I got there early to meet them and then went to eat, while we watched the kids get excited. Thanks for the memory. I still have my Webkinz van on my account.

  6. 082003m says:

    Yes!! I remember going to the Webkinz booth at the Minnesota State Fair one year as a kid. I was in awe to see all the Webkinz graphics and merch available. I bought a Webkinz Clownfish with my own allowance money (big deal to save up at that age) and named him Tang. The callback is so fun since often it seemed like just a whisp of a memory. Like did that really happen! Fun lookback!

  7. bren191 says:

    I want to come to an event. Bring back the VAN! That looks so Fun. I will bring my Webkinz too! I will Buy new onez! Please bring back the VAN! Bren191

  8. cagebird says:

    I wonder where that awesome van is now. I’d buy it and drive it to work every day lol.

  9. Eilish says:

    Oh, my goodness, YES! We went to the 2013 fair and were greeted by the nicest group of people. We participated in the fun and bought several plushies. We were given feature code scratch-off cards for the Ganz Road Trip Van…AND I still have several untouched codes. They’ve probably expired by now. (I truly didn’t remember the year, but it’s printed on the code card) It was such fun! Is there a chance this might be repeated? Those new to Webkinz fun would really love it!

    • puppyluv9063 says:

      I gave some of my codes to friends a few years after the event, and they worked. I’m not if they’re still valid, but it doesn’t hurt to try!

    • 100dogs says:

      The touring van cards never expire they are still good to this day keep those.

    • AvrilaC says:

      I never got to the road trip events, but I was given a couple of those plushies with the limited-time codes, after the codes had already expired. Hey Ganz, couldn’t you reactivate those unused codes for the 20-year celebration, and give us another chance to adopt those pets? That would be awesome!

  10. booreeves says:

    Is it going to be at Florida this year in July? Because July 10 I have foot surgery and I want to check it out before my foot surgery. I’ll be in West Palm Beach Florida.

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