Webkinz King Schnauzer Unboxing Video!


We gave you a sneak peek at this pet in an earlier Webkinz Newz story, and now we’d like to present to you our newest Webkinz plush pet, the King Schnauzer!


Check out this unboxing video, revealing the King Schnauzer in action!





Adopt a King Schnauzer into your family of Webkinz pets and give them the royal treatment! This privileged pup enjoys ruling the roost, so sit them inside their Tiny Toy Kingdom and let their reign begin! They also have very refined tastes, so when it comes to snack time, serve them up a proper spot of Royal Tea!


Here’s a look at the King Schnauzer plush, along with all of the items you’ll get when adopting one:





Want a plush King Schnauzer all your own? This and other Webkinz plush pets are now available for order directly from the Ganz eStore!







What would you name this majestic pet?


Enter our Contest here! Suggestions in the comments will not be entered into the contest.


Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on Sunday, May 7th, 2017.


55 Responses to Webkinz King Schnauzer Unboxing Video!

  1. Alphaowlbear says:

    The Royal Tea PSF is so pretty – too pretty to be a food to eat. I’d love to use it as a room decoration.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      I second that suggestion! Wouldn’t it be nice if some of the fancier foods could also be in a presentable form in the decorations section of our dock? That might confuse some people, but if it could work, it would be awesome!

  2. Beckinz8 says:

    I love your adorable new King Schnauzer, Steve Webkinz! And thank you sooooo much for showing off some of the new Party Time room theme! I was hoping that someone would do that! Khan should be very happy in his room! Now, can you convince the designers to create an interactive pinata? Then I think this theme will be complete. Yay!

  3. kittymade10 says:

    I don’t like the gift box, but this pet is the cutest! I really hope I get it sometime.

  4. griffoned says:

    Why didn’t they wear the hat and glasses in profile like the chameleon and patchwork cat? Why did they do that anyway?

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      It was a sneak peak as to what they will be adding eventually. I’m not sure why these unboxing videos don’t have it though.

  5. ilovemoonie says:

    Aw, this pet is super adorable!! ^_^ The PSI is also really cool! I hope I can get one someday! :)

  6. boorepko says:

    That has got to be one of the cutest “Gift Boxes” I have seen. …boorepko

  7. greenmagic77 says:

    It is so cute! I love this breed of dogs! The psi is so cute! It would go well in the kids room theme!

  8. EmilyCuteHeart says:

    Will you bring it back in stock? It’s sold out already. Only the Golden Langur is available. Please bring this adorable pet back in stock! You can’t buy it and you usually tell us if you will bring it back, please do!

  9. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Nice pet! It’s interesting that you guys mixed the soft material with that really fluffy stuff and put it together into one pet. And that box is really funny, lol. xD One big ‘stache.

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Aw, this pet is really cute! ;) I hope I can get one someday

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