Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

504 Responses to Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

  1. rosalina1234 says:

    It`s so adorable I want it

  2. hippie:)chick says:

    I just got this this morning for Christmas!!!! sooooo happy!!!!! her name is Maggie

  3. cvbdgjsetje says:

    is it a girl !

  4. camilla says:


  5. camilla1130 says:

    THE mohawk monkey i want one of those!!!!

  6. monkey girl 26 says:

    I have a Mohawk Monkey. Her name is rainbow & she is such a sweet & adorable . I cant wait to go back to webkinz world & play with her.

  7. carlyc2000 says:

    i totally want this monkey cuz it’s VERY VERY cute please add me my username is carlyc2000 every1 please add meh!!!!! and i want this money for my b-day and i might get it yay!!!!! :D *smiles*

  8. ivya00 says:

    who has the shoes

  9. chickieleg says:

    CUTE! Tomboyish but girly at the same time. Just my style!

  10. person says:

    I prefer the sun bear. but great if u want it.

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