Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

504 Responses to Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

  1. donka says:

    I already have money and he is cute.
    is already learning fast at the academy

  2. dannie says:

    this is sooooo cute!!!!! if anyone wants to add me im 41464d

  3. amanda says:

    luv it i really want and super cool

  4. Izzy says:

    tht is soooooo cool! its freakin awesome!

  5. Mdli7 says:

    its okay but i like it better without the mowhawk

  6. Tyler says:

    I want that Monkey realy bad because he has a cool mohawk.

  7. lovelovedoo says:

    i just got it today add me as a friend username lovelovedoo

  8. nattybatty6 says:

    that monkey is so cool!

  9. jabbawabbi says:

    it is cool i love it.

  10. aflmq says:

    its cute but not that cute

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