Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

504 Responses to Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

  1. Blueberry says:

    This monkey ROCKS!

  2. KARA says:

    o my gosh it is so cute i am going to get it :) :) ;) <3

  3. ava says:

    that webkinz world is awesome!

  4. monkeymaster2001 says:

    I got the mohawk monkey as my first webkinz and I love it! I think I made the right choice!

  5. awesomechocolate says:

    I so cant wait to get this pet!!!!! Its so adorable!!!!!

  6. victoria123:) says:

    I think that its adorable. And if people don’t like it that’s ok but I like it.

  7. boucasa says:

    i like the outfit and the food but i hate the monkey its creepy

  8. Gomez#1Fan says:

    Who knew a monkey could b so freakin awesome? Webkinz Did!! They should make bay animal. Which i know is basiclly like Lil’ Kinz but liker a baby whale or baby zebra or aeven better a baby Mohawk Monkey!!! I want this monkey SO much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. lolzrox101 says:


  10. neryse says:

    that is soooo cute . . . . lol i want one !!!!

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