Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

504 Responses to Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

  1. faith says:

    sooooooooo cooooool i want it soooooooo baaaaaaddddd!!!!!=)

  2. fasion hater says:

    I think it’s cute.

  3. Lollipop says:

    Dude!!! he is ADORABLE ! I want himm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333 :D

  4. Wowzer Webkinz says:

    My Opinion:
    GROSS! First it has like bags under its eyes and it scares me! The Items are kinda cool but EWWY!
    Sorry if i hurt somebodys feelings…

  5. You don't need to know says:

    Ok, calm down what everyone is saying. It is just Webkinz trying to sell you the monkey. What is so bad about that

  6. Justin Bieber fan#1 says:

    I think the mohawk monkey is SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO CUTE. I hope i can get it somtime when i am on vacation so i might find it there. oh p.s i am going to montreal lol its going to be fun :D :) :P

  7. liza says:


  8. ally says:

    love the monkey

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