Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

504 Responses to Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

  1. coolboynoah1 says:

    i got it for my 2nd account. (my first was noah1bclions2) My account expired sadly but my grama got me this! Just got one little qustion. why did you add a dress for a mohawk monkey?

  2. brittstar7 says:

    cool i want it

  3. Athena says:

    This is so ugly! I mean, the outfit is cool, but the animal? Nuh uh! It looks like a bear mixed with an ape and a feather stuck to his head! I am sorry if I have offended anybody since this is just my opinion.

  4. Tori says:

    I luv the monkey its totally cute! I want it so badd!!!!

  5. melania says:

    can you delete a host from your friends list?

  6. starrystar54 says:

    u guys r wrong i lovvvvvvve this monkey and i already got it!!!!!

  7. caroash17 says:

    Grr… Why can’t I have a colorful mohawk?
    LOL! I love his item :)
    I’m getting him! I’ll name him… Mohawk 4 Monkey
    Cute – right???

  8. Toia says:

    That’s soo cute :)
    I love it’s Item he comes with!
    I’m getting him when my dad get’s back from Work on Tuesday!
    CAN’T WAIT!!!

  9. Kelly says:

    i argee. i have lots of monkeys on my webkinz’s i don’t have that monkey.

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