Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

504 Responses to Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

  1. cutiecow309 says:

    I got it a couple days ago and it’s adorable!!!!!!!

  2. 101861 says:

    It a party monkey its one of the cutest things eva!

  3. dakota says:

    I WANT IT NO I NEED IT :-) :-) :-)

  4. reese says:

    I have him he is cute

  5. jamott says:

    i just got one lol

  6. super cool girl;] says:

    hey add me to webkinz! user name is suseie!

  7. madhatter1213 says:


  8. greensparkle4 says:

    that is like the cutiest webkinz out.

  9. courtney says:

    i’m going to get it i <3 it so cute

  10. a random person says:

    cute i want one!!!

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