Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

504 Responses to Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

  1. Starcatcher227 says:

    I would never want the mohawk monkey… If someone gave me the monkey for my birthday I would definitly return him that same day.

  2. jill says:

    I have a monkey

  3. Love Puppys Are My Drug says:

    I have 4 love puppys now! My new one came in the mail yesterday! I am so thankfull for my puppys I do not care about this ugly monkey! From Sweetart, Lovabell, Jazz and Lovey Dovey.

  4. doofykinz123 says:

    Theres a new monkey in town! This hsn’t happened in forever…. The only webkinz monkeys there are were all retired….. But now theres a new pet to brighten up your day!!!!!

  5. Turttlless says:

    My mom will take me shopping soon for some webkinz. But I want the lil kinz yorkie, blue jay, polka-back fish, Seal, Black poodle, duck, white poodle, googles, MAZIN hamsters and hippo much much much more……..

  6. BFFEILUFE says:

    i have that his name is cliffy!!!

  7. mimi8302 says:

    I didn’t care for this monkey BUT I saw i and had to hve it, it’s adoreable and great colors, too.

  8. KiMoKi1 says:

    i already own one, they totally rock

  9. Webk1nz says:

    Ummm…. I honestly dont like the Mohawk Monkey. Cuz its.. well… WEIRD no offense to the people who do like but i just dont like it. The stuff it comes with is cool but that is the only thing i like about it.:)

  10. Shock N Monkey N Crocs says:

    I really need a google, polka’bak fish and blue jay!

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