Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

504 Responses to Webkinz Mohawk Monkey

  1. maddielynn2011 says:

    we just bought it

  2. Ashley says:

    I hope I win that monkey .

  3. emi5 says:

    this is kinda lame because it only comes with a peice of food and a outfit

  4. christian says:

    i have him


    I WANT THIS MONKEY!!! i wish i had it- y did it hav 2 be a dress?!? i hate dresses- but id eat his food if i was virtual!!! if u wanna friend me on webkinz- im tombyrose pleez friend me peoples!!! u dont gotta but pleez=) and sally if ur readin this- i think u wer kiddin around- wer u???

  6. i'm not going to comment against anyone negative says:

    i love this monkey!!!!!

  7. pokemon227 says:

    Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme NOW

  8. Webkinz lover says:

    I would say that there both adorable to me and I’m going to gey both of them with my allowents and if I have a lot of money

  9. mohack mmmmoooonnnnkkkkeeeeyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    i need the mohack monkey! i love it the food, the clothing, the hair, i love it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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