Webkinz Next Christmas Login Gift

Don’t forget to log in to Webkinz Next on Christmas Day, December 25th, for a special holiday giftbox.

Once you log in, the gift will be waiting for you in your message center. Don’t miss this holiday exclusive!

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



10 Responses to Webkinz Next Christmas Login Gift

  1. ArcanineEspeon says:

    You know what people are saying about how pretty the gift boxes are? Not only do I agree, I actually came here to see what the gift was – you know, to decide if opening it was worth it or if I should just stack it around my purple Xmas tree :0 I’m disappointed there’s no info here. MAN, I regret opening my Chinese New Year envelope! And it was actually an accident on both accounts!

  2. ZadiraMM says:

    I am so excited! Merry Christmas to all the people who make Webkinz so much fun!

  3. kaye10 says:

    my classic account dock is full of many boxes & packaging–lol it is one of my collections & yes they are pretty :) best, k.

  4. sweetiepiesix says:

    I so agree BH1464. That is the reason I don’t open most of my boxes.

  5. rainybelle says:

    im so excited!!!

  6. SamDean says:

    I wish we could save all these beautiful gift boxes! I never opened my Chinese New Year red envelope because it’s so pretty!

    • megamom12 says:

      It surprises me that we can’t as they have been doing so for a while on Classic.

    • goblyn says:

      LOL … same here!

    • BH1464 says:

      Several people have made this comment every time a new gift has been given in a pretty box since Webkinz Classic started. I agree, the boxes are so well done it’s a shame to have them disappear when opened. They make great decorations. I feel the same way about each pet’s personalized gift box. They would be great reminders of the pet’s addition to our Webkinz families. I would love to display those boxes in each pet’s room too. So much thought goes into designing each one to make it relevant to that specific pet it’s a shame they just disappear too.

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