Webkinz Next Survey

Do you send your kids to Daycare?


If you play Webkinz Next, please comment below and let us know: Do you send your kids or babies to Daycare?
If you’re not aware of the feature, check it out on your My Pets page.

Send one baby or kid a day for free. Each baby or kid after the first costs 250 Kinzcash.

Once you’ve sent your baby or kid to Daycare, they will leave your home for 24 hours and return with one additional bar filled in on their growth meter.

Your feedback is important to us! Please comment below and let us know about your experience with Daycare in Webkinz Next.

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



70 Responses to Webkinz Next Survey

  1. DashietheCloudSheep says:

    I only do it when I get season points for it

  2. grandmaback says:

    I use daycare only for seasons/challenges when my baby hasn’t aged out. I keep one baby and one kid for a long time. different subject: We need a place to chat about deep sea fishing on Next. I have some helps for those who are struggling.

  3. gappytoo says:

    I used to send my babies and kids to Daycare daily until the new Vacation feature was introduced. Then I made the mistake of trying to take my baby on vacation from Daycare and got stuck in a Vacation loop. Webkinz Customer Service assisted me in getting out of that Twilight Zone, but since that happened, I’ve stayed away from sending pets to Daycare.

  4. 100dogs says:

    It depends if i am trying to grow up a pet fast which happens most of the time then yes. If i am not trying to grow a pet then i do not use it. But its a nice feature that helps you grow your pets. Thanks for making it for baby and kid Webkinz.

  5. kalcan8 says:

    I like that the feature is available for players who are looking for a way to age up their Next babies and kids as quickly as possible. I personally generally only use it when it is part of a challenge. I like my little ones to grow up slowly. Since we always seem to need a baby or kid for challenges, and I can’t afford to expand my WW family exponentially, I am okay letting them be little for as long as possible. I have a kid that I sparked on March 15th who is still in the kid stage. I will probably let him age up by Christmas. He is an adorable white jackalope with silver eyes, who will probably spark gorgeous babies! Merry (early) Christmas to me!

    • BittyBit says:

      I agree with you on all of your points. I like to keep my babies and kids at those stages as long as possible. I like to enjoy each of my pets so I don’t like having an overwhelming amount. i’d like them to be able to go to daycare even if they have aged up – maybe for a fee. Also wondering if Daycare could be more interactive, like having a character greet your pet when he/she is dropped off, some kind of report card or note about the baby or kid’s day, specific items to buy for daycare like nap blanket, diaper bag, cot

  6. krissy says:

    Yes, especially if I want them to grow up quicker.

  7. fancyduck58 says:

    Yes, sometimes! :)

  8. mrmic5 says:

    This feature is great!! I do send my kids to daycare. Ty for making this feature for us : )

  9. sunflowers2024 says:

    Good feature. I like to send my babies to daycare all the time.

  10. astreich001 says:

    yes i do

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