Webkinz Next Survey

Do you send your kids to Daycare?


If you play Webkinz Next, please comment below and let us know: Do you send your kids or babies to Daycare?
If you’re not aware of the feature, check it out on your My Pets page.

Send one baby or kid a day for free. Each baby or kid after the first costs 250 Kinzcash.

Once you’ve sent your baby or kid to Daycare, they will leave your home for 24 hours and return with one additional bar filled in on their growth meter.

Your feedback is important to us! Please comment below and let us know about your experience with Daycare in Webkinz Next.

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



70 Responses to Webkinz Next Survey

  1. wildchild07961 says:

    I use daycare only for seasons/challenges when my baby hasn’t aged thanks for it possible

  2. abacas says:

    i sent my baby to daycare a bunch of times. but now i dont get the button to click. i would like to be able to send baby by paying but dont see how to do that.

  3. zeusfist says:

    Normally only for challenges. I keep the kids and babies as long as possible (I’ve only recently aged up my first baby to a kid). It seems that they are needed for the challenges – especially the babies for the daily challenges and I’m not interested in spending the time to find a friend’s baby that I could use.

  4. netge says:

    I do use Day care. Mostly if it is a challenge I need to complete, but also if I want to age a baby quickly or if the baby is being really annoying, bad tempered and requesting lots of things and I am trying to do my daily bits and pieces. It is useful.

  5. zdri says:

    Yes I do, helps a lot to grow them faster – or for challenges purposes.

  6. leaveitnow41s says:

    I send a baby to daycare everyday! I love the feature. I have oodles of babies! I never use for a kid.

  7. dollspace says:

    I do send babies and kids to daycare. My favorite part of the game is the babies so I like to grow them up to see what new babies I can spark.

  8. duff428 says:

    Yes – a nice feature for growing a kid to an adult..

  9. kerowyn says:

    Only sometimes, not all the time.

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