Want to Win Webkinz.com Prizes with Webkinz Friends?

One of the best things about playing Webkinz Friends is that there are a lot of fun prizes to win and send back to your Webkinz.com account. There are nearly 100 prizes to earn and some of these items canĀ only be found in Webkinz Friends too, so find them and show them off to your friends!
Here are just a few of our favourite exclusives prizes and where to get them:

239 Responses to Want to Win Webkinz.com Prizes with Webkinz Friends?

  1. 2000sleo says:

    Do send me one, I have been looking for those and need those if somebody could be so kind as to send me one…. My username is 2000sleo!

  2. Droom13 says:

    Please don’t shut down webkinz friends on facebook! I love that game! The interactive carnival items that your kinz can actually ride are the best! Awww

  3. fashiongal2003 says:

    hello i’m a big webkinz fan i play all most everyday so, can i have that too? if you cant it’s ok but if you can my user is fashiongal2003 thank you love natalie

  4. Ashley120 says:

    Awesome! I want all of them especially the Rockerz Lion Plush Toy.

  5. beautysrage says:

    can i get sent one too! :) Beautysrage

  6. SniveSnive says:

    I don’t have the lion but i will try to get the plush

  7. roy46 says:

    my user is roy46

  8. _Autumn_ says:

    Send me a friend request! need some more friends my username is eeveegirlrock

  9. 613dolphin says:

    I’d love to have Goober’s book, does anyone want to trade it? I have a lot of promo clothes on Webkinz, or special recipes. (I’m always looking for those, hoping other people are too.) Username: 613dolphin. I come on almost every day, so I can help if anyone needs more marshmallows. I need more too, most of my friends are sadly inactive. :(

  10. 123presto123 says:

    i would actual play webkinz friend if you had more android apps

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