Webkinz Sun Bear

364 Responses to Webkinz Sun Bear

  1. stiles139 says:

    I am planning on getting the cute guy today i have a room built and everything i want to name it honeycombes!!

  2. person says:

    omg he is awsome he is like amazing and i love the stuff

  3. br33 says:

    i have the sun bear and its sooooo soft and huggable!!!!!!!!! i named mine sonny after sonny

  4. Nathan19 says:

    I have it and it is so cute!!!!!!!! spectacular:)

  5. Sarily says:

    This is just so awesome and adorable! How on earth do they come up with these brilliant critters?! I wish I was that creative. I WANT TO WORK FOR WEBKINZ!

  6. katherine says:

    SSSSOOOO CUITE!!!!!!!!!!

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